Luke stared at him, unsure if he heard right. "Come again?"

"I's my turn to take Harvey home," Shelby told her dad, smiling brightly.

"Uh..." Luke stared at his daughter's teacher, his eyes switching between him and the cage with the small bundle of fur. "Seriously?"

"Don't worry, it's low maintenance. I clean out the cage every Friday, he has plenty of food in there until Monday. You can give him apples, carrots, or cucumbers for a snack, but not too much, especially the carrots. Just make sure he has plenty of water and he likes to run around in his ball here." Mr. Harris held the exercise ball up.

Luke couldn't help grimace at the critter, not liking having to take home a rodent that will probably stink up the apartment. Not being fond of animals, especially small rodents, Luke tried to talk both Shelby and her teacher out of taking it home with them. In the end, he lost and found himself carrying the cage by the handle while Shelby carried its ball. Mr. Harris also returned Shelby's Pokémon cards, giving them to Luke, who put the cards right into his back pocket. He reminded Shelby, she'll get them back in two weeks.

"I can' wai' to show Lor-lai and Rory," Shelby said, excited as they were walking by Miss Patty's dance studio during one of her dance classes. Miss Patty was standing right outside, a cigarette between her fingers, when she overheard Shelby.

"Is that a pet, dear?"

The two stopped to look over at the older woman.

Shelby nodded. "I's our class ham'ter. I's my turn to take him home for tuh weekend."

"Oh, how nice," she smiled for the little girl. "Just a little advice, though. If you want it to make it through the weekend, might want to keep it away from Lorelai. She doesn't have a great history with pets."

Luke had to back Miss Patty up, remembering the Skippy story, and explained what happened to Shelby.

"There was also a rabbit, and a turtle that was supposed to outlive her," Ms. Patty added, afterwards.

Hearing about Lorelai's bad luck with animals was now starting to freak Shelby out. She looked up at her dad with a frightened, urgent look. "Dad, le's ge' Harvey up to ta apar'men' before Lor-lai comes by for her coffee. He can 'tay up tear until Monday." Technically, that was his plan since Luke didn't allow pets in the diner. Hearing it come from Shelby made it heartbreakingly sad.

"Okay, kiddo." Saying good-bye to Miss Patty, Luke and Shelby headed home.

Jess wasn't home yet, who mentioned he'd be home later that evening. Luke already knew the young man would not be jumping for joy either, having a hamster in the apartment.

He set the cage on their desk, not wanting it on the table they eat off of, while Shelby headed straight for the fridge, opening it. Opening one of the bottom drawers, she grabbed an apple, closing everything before turning back to her dad.

"Dad, can you cuh tis for Harvey?" Shelby held it out to him as Luke came over.

"Sure," he agreed. "But remember, Harvey is your responsibility." Luke took the apple and grabbed a sharp cutting knife from the knife holder on the counter. He grabbed the cutting board from where it hung on the wall above the counter.

"I will take good care of him, Dad," she promised.

Luke smiled at her. "I know you will." He began cutting the apple in half and cut those in half, also cutting out the seeds. He never thought he would ever be cutting up an apple for a rodent, but here he was. Thankfully, it was only for a couple days and Harvey would be gone once Monday came. Luke never wanted Monday to come so much than he did now. In fact, it was another reason that made him wish Rachel hadn't of left. If she was here, Shelby would be going over to her home and would take the rodent with her. Plus, Rachel liked animals more than he did, so it would have been perfect. He remembered when she got a cat while they were dating and never wanted to step foot in her apartment, ranting about the gross things cats do.

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