Chapter 2: The Feelings Get Stronger

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The next day Midoriya wakes up, and walks to school. When he enters the doorway, he sees Asui talking with Ojiro. He was a tall guy with blonde hair and had a long tail which happened to also be his quirk.

They seemed to be having a friendly conversation

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They seemed to be having a friendly conversation. He even manages to make her laugh. Midoriya didn't like this feeling. His mind knew it was just a simple interaction between classmates. But his heart was saying something else. The school bell rings, and everyone is in their assigned seats. Mr. Aizawa stands in the center of the class, and gets ready to make an announcement.

"Okay class today we're going to do some hero traning. We will be going to the USJ. Which is a building to train heroes, on how to be ready when there's a natural disaster. You will be working with a random team. Where you will be assigned to a random location. All the teams will need to think of a strategy to efficiently get through a disaster. Now everyone grab your costumes, so that we can leave."

Everyone grabbed their costumes and began entering the bus. Midoriya was the last one to enter the bus, and most of the good seats were taken.

"Hey Midoriya, I saved you a seat" says Asui who sat in the back of the bus.

He walks towards her.

"Thanks Asui"

"I told you, it's okay if you call me Tsu."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's okay, ribbit." she says with a smile.

I know this sounds weird, but I thought it was cute the way she said ribbit.

"I like your costume, it really looks nice on you." says Midoriya.

"Thanks, by the way my feet aren't actually webbed like a frog's. I just requested the designers to make it look that way, since it fits my aesthetic."

"It sure does make you stand out, I mean in a good way."he says in a shaking tone of voice.

She lets out a small laugh, and looks at him.

"Guess we both love the color green huh?"

"I guess we do."

"So what's up with the bunny ears? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well um...its kind of an embarrassing story-"

"Say no more. You can tell me in the future when you're more comfortable."


Midoriya was glad Tsu didn't ask anymore questions about his quirk or his costume. Since he isn't that good at lying. The bus was driving at a slow and steady pace. It would take them longer to get there, since there was traffic ahead.

Midoriya noticed that a lot of the other students were either asleep, or on their phones. He wanted to talk to Tsu again, to learn more about her. But when he tried to say something, her head fell on top of his right shoulder. He slightly hesitated, but luckily she didn't wake up. He noticed that she slept so peacefully. For some reason that made him give a small smirk. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

(Deku X Froppy) Hero Love Story 💘 (Revising ASAP)Where stories live. Discover now