The Baby Is Coming!

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Nine Months Later

         I was sitting on the couch and Mason was getting us a snack. It was currently five in the afternoon and I was going to have the baby anytime soon. He is a baby boy and me and Mason chose on Brian Allen Black. Black since that is Mason's last name and Allen because Mason liked it. And Brian of course because of Brian my cousin. I had a bad cramp but then I felt my legs go wet. I looked and I noticed that my water has broke.

"Mason get the bags the baby is coming!" I yelled.

"Holly shit, I'll get the car and then come for you!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"Hurry Mason!" I yelled.

         I was getting contractions every minute and it hurts like a motherfucker. I got up and walked to the door and I noticed the bags I have pack were gone. The car was right on the lawn and Mason got out to help me. We got into the car and Mason speeded to the hospital. The contractions were becoming every few seconds. We got to the hospital and Mason ran in to get nurses. They brought out a bed and they help me on it. They ran me into the hospital and put me in a room. The nurses hooked me up to somethings and Mason was behind them.

"Call the rest" I told Mason.

"Ok" he said.

He got out of the room and called the rest. The contractions were now closer and it hurt more. Mason walked back in and the nurses put him into a gown. The last interaction hurt more then all the other and that made me yell.

"She is going into labor" the doctor said.

"Fuck!" I yelled once again.

"You need to push Mrs. Black" the doctor said.

I pushed and Mason grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I was sweating so much it was getting in eyes. A nurse was suppose to wipe away my sweat but she wasn't doing a good job. About an hour later I was tired and it was the last few pushes and the baby will come out.

"Last push you can this" the doctor said.

With one big push and one last scream out came the crying baby. I heard his cries and I smiled. I looked at Mason and he smiled at me. The doctor washed the baby and then he let me hold him. I looked at my baby and he had my eyes and he had Mason's nose. I let tears go from my eyes and then their was flash of light. I looked up and it was the guys they took a picture. I handed Brian to Mason and he carried him on his arms. The guys took another phone of Mason and Brian and everyone.

"I need everyone to go Mrs. Black needs to rest" the doctor said.

"Rest baby girl" Mason said.

        I laid back and I closed my eyes and right away I fell asleep. That was the best sleep I had in while. I woke up and I saw Mason holding Brian in his arms. I smiled and Mason looked so happy. The doctor walked in and I looked at him and he was holding papers.

"The birth certificate and the baby's feet, we will keep you two for observation for tonight and tomorrow or the next day you may leave" the doctor said.

"Thanks doc" Mason said.

"Thank you so much" I said. 

"You're welcome" he said and walked away.

        Mason got up and brought Brian to me. He gave Brian to me and I carried him again. I smiled down at him and he looked at me. He smiled and then he laughed and it was the best laugh any baby can do. I looked at Mason and he smiled.

"I love you Cassidy" he said.

"I love you so much Mason" I said.

        Everyone came in and they all took turns carrying Brian. Stephanie and Chris had a girl and her name was Elizabeth. Elizabeth was so beautiful and I knew her and Brian are going to be good friends. Everyone left and it was now just me mason and the baby. I put Brian on my side and Mason was asleep on the chair and I fell asleep.

At Home

I just got home from the hospital and when I got home I felt happy. Mason was carrying the stuff from the hospital and I was carrying Brian. Mason put the stuff down and he closed the door. He wrap an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Welcome home Brian" Mason said.

I smiled and Mason and we went up to Brian's room. His blue crib was up against and a blue dresser opposite from it. A rocking chair was on the corner and a Black changing table. The walls were light blue and their were cars and animals. I put Brian down and he laughed.

"Our family is complete" Mason said.

"Yes it is" I said.

"Your amazing" Mason said.

"And you are awesome" I said.

"Your so cute" he said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too baby girl" he said.

Mason leaned down and kissed my lips. Brian giggled and then I took out my phone and took a picture of him. Mason picked him up and rocked him and Brian was asleep. I took a quick picture of them two and they looked so cute. I but it as my wallpaper for my home screen and picture of me and Mason was lock screen. Mason put back the sleeping Brian and we walked out of his room. We went down stairs and laid on the couch and watched movies.

"No more worry's" Mason said.

"No more" I said.

I leaned my head on Mason's chest and then Brian was crying. I got up and went to go feed him and then I changed him. It was nine and I changed Brian one last time and fed him and then me and Mason went to sleep. Brian didn't cry for the whole night which I was surprised. I was happy that I have my beautiful baby boy and that I had my handsome husband.

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