Connor No!

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I woke up and I looked at my surroundings and it wasn't familiar. Finally the memory from yesterday came to me and I broke down crying. I just on my bed crying my eyes out until I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My make up was all over the place and so was hair. I got makeup remover from my dresser and found a hair tie and took off my make up and put my hair on a bun. I saw that I slept on the same clothes I had on yesterday and I didn't want to wear them anymore. I walked to Connor's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard him say.

"Hey Connor can I borrow some clothes?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure" he said and got up.

He gave me some sweats and an oversized T-shirt. I went to the bathroom and changed. I walked out and walked down stairs and saw Connor on the couch. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He cried witch made me cry so we both cried together. We stopped crying and I can tell both our eyes are bloodshot red.

"You want to come with me and live with me at my house or I can move in with you again" I said.

"You can't leave your friends stay with them I'll stay here" he said.

"No Connor ether you stay with me or I come and stay with you" I said.

"Your friends don't like me and I know they won't like the fact that you want to move here with me" he said.

"Connor chose" I said.

"I can't Cassidy" he said.

"Pick one and tell me" I said.

"Ok" he said.

"Today I'll stay with you but I have to go home and change" I said.

"Yeah it's fine" he said.

"Ok, what do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Eggs, bacon and toast" he said.

"Come on let's go make food" I said.

Me and Connor made brake fast and then we sat and talked. When we were done I washed the dishes and I was going to leave so I could change and take a shower so I can spend the whole day with Connor. I told Connor I will be back in and hour or so and o left. What I didn't know was that that was a big mistake. I got home I showered really fast, changed into some black leggings and and oversized sweater. I put my hair in a bun I grabbed movies and snacks from home and drove to Connor's place. I walked in put my bag in the couch and the house was silent.

"Connor I am back" I said. No answer.

"Connor are you their" I said again. No answer.

I walked up stairs I look in Connor's room nothing. I looked in my room nothing. I went to my dads and moms room nothing. I went to the bathroom. I saw Connor on the floor in a puddle of blood.

"Connor!" I yelled and for down on my knees.

He had slit his wrists. I cried but then I grabbed my phone and called 911. I cried on Connor until the paramedics pulled me away from Connor. I cried, I yelled his name out, I tried to get out of the peoples grip but I couldn't. They finally let me go and the ambulance was off. I ran back into the house grabbed my bags and my keys and speeded behind the ambulance. They got to the hospital and they took down Connor fast. I got to his side and ran with the paramedics. I was pulled away from many nurses. And the last thing I did was held Connor's hand before they took him away.

"Let me go I have to go with him!" I yelled at the nurses.

"Sorry ma'am but you can't go in you need to calm down" a nurse said.

I finally gave up and dropped to the floor and sobbed. A nurse helped me to a chair and I cried when she left me alone. I texted the girls on the group chat and told them what happen and where I was. I texted the guys even Blake and Liam to come down. A few minutes went by and the girls came bursting through the doors. I ran to them and the automatically wrapped their arms around me and hugged me. I cried onto them and they tried to calm me down

"Cass" I heard Mason's voice.

"Mason" I said.

The girls let me go and I ran to mason and I hugged him tightly. I cried on his chest and I didn't want to let go. He rubbed my back with this thumb but I didn't calmed down. I heard the other guys come in so I let go on Mason and went to hug Tyler. I then hugged Liam and Blake hugged me while I was hugging Liam. I let go of the guys and I saw that the girls were crying and that the guys looked sad. I walked over to mason leaving Liam.

"Cassidy I am so sorry" Liam said.

"I am too" I said.

That was all I said for the rest of the time. We all sat down and just waited for news or anything to happen. It felt like days waiting for someone to come and tell me some news about my brother. I cried until I had no tears left and it was just me whining and having a stuffy nose. Everyone was sad and tried to get me to talk and eat but I refused everything.

Tow Hours Later

"Family of Connor Smith" a nurse said. My head shot up and I got up.

"Yes" I said.

"Well He is alive, he lost a lot of blood and we got him stitched up he is resting right now so when he wakes up you can see him, do you have any idea of why he would do this?" The nurse asked me.

"Well I ran away from home two years ago and our mother died when we were in seventh grade and just yesterday our father died" I said.

"I am so sorry sweaty" the nurse said.

"I am too" I said.

"I need to call a social worker so they can put you both in foster care" the nurse said.

"Hold the fuck up, we are not going into foster care I have a house where I live in I don't need foster care and nether does Connor" I said.

"I am sorry but you can't discharge him and we can't give him off to you" she said.

"You better not give us up for foster care or i swear to god I will kill you, you let me discharge him and you won't go missing you got that, and if the cops come at any point I will haunt you for the rest of your life, you go that now nod if you will do anything to not put us up for foster care or cops or nothing like that involved and don't do anything if you want me to punch you" I said in the meanest darkest voice I had. She nodded instantly.

"Good now you can tell them I am over eighteen and I will discharge him and remember no cop" I said.

"Yes ma'am" she said scared out on her pants.

       Connor woke up and hour later so it was only two at a time and I was going to stay with him. The girls came in and apologized to him and so did the guys. I told the girls to bring me clothes and that they could leave and I told the guys to leave too. Everyone left and it was only and and Connor.

"I love you Connor" I said.

"I love you too Cassidy" Connor said and we both fell asleep.

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