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The last pig that was slaughtered brought Faye relief

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

The last pig that was slaughtered brought Faye relief. At last, the carnage was all over. She didn't mind sitting on the mud. She was already covered in it. All she knew was that she was exhausted and hungry. The cold she felt from the rains had gone from the physical exertion of just catching and holding down flailing pigs.

About five feet off to her right was Nathan, toying with the blade in his hands thoughtfully. Panic rose in her chest. Was he really contemplating on killing her? What for? They had always gotten under each other's skin. Unless...he realized everything he has revealed to her the night his tongue was lose and that it was the kind of secret that would merit the phrase, "If I told you, I would kill you."

But he wouldn't do that.

Would he?

All Faye knew was he was definitely a different person from their childhood and she decided not to risk it. The safest place was to go to where there were adults. It wasn't like the children could do anything if he started hacking her to pieces. At least some grown native might be able to stop him if he tried.


She froze as he called her. She cursed herself for moving too slowly. "Yeah?" she asked nervously.

"How much did I tell you about myself last night?" He asked, his voice barely audible in the rain, the blade still bared as he toyed it between his fingers. "You know...about my job and all that stuff?"

Oh sweet baby...she was right! Oh, heaven forbid! She was going to die! Her body was suddenly fueled with adrenaline and she bolted out of the enclosure and ran. She didn't know where she was going but she was running in panic. The only thing she could do was press on as footfalls stomped behind her in pursuit.

By the time her mind caught up to her adrenaline, it was too late to figure out where she was exactly. She should have run to the hut of the village chief, but instead, she ran outside the confines of the village until she could no longer see the path. But maybe it was better. At least none of the natives who helped them would be in harms way from the psychopath chasing her.

Oh sweet baby Jesus! Her body would not be found for years if he killed her here!

"Faye! Come back here!"

"No! Stay away!" She refused to look behind her as she ran blindly though the thickets hearing branches being hacked behind her. Shit shit shit! He's coming closer! Her mind gave her images of being brutally massacred with no one hearing her scream and it frightened her. What frightened her even more was that he was doing it.

The images were suddenly cut from her mind and her feet suddenly found air. The next thing she knew, she was falling as if her world had suddenly gone in slow motion, yet still unable to scream. Her hands grasped for anything to hold onto but unable to clutch at anything.

Her arm suddenly jerked and her shoulder felt as if it were being pulled out of her body. In a swift moment, her freefall came to a grinding halt as her feet dangled above the churning sea and raged rocks. She looked up and saw him holding her just below her wrist. Beside, the blade was sandwiched between his hand and the ground and she panicked again.

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