✎ two ✐

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"hyung, wake up... jung hoseok wake up!"

"mm? wha? just five more minutes mom."

taehyung grabs his hyung by the shirt and shakes him all around. that for sure wakes the other right up, he sits up in the bed with a tired look.

"what do you want tae?"

he sighs, has the other forgotten the plans for tonight??

"we are doing project wreck ship, remember?"

it clicks in the red heads mind and he stands up, he glances over at the clock that reads 10 pm. "why so late? and why are you wearing all black? we are gonna spy, not rob a place.."

the younger rolls his eyes and slaps a black ski mask into the others hands. then he grabs him by the shirt and tugs him over to the staircase and down to the front door of the maknae's room.

"shh." tae places a finger against his lips and leans his ear against the door. the faint sound of a tv playing and soft giggles could be heard. "they are totally fucking."

hoseok raises an eyebrow, he pushes him aside and leans against the door. he listens and hears the same sounds. "they are just watching tv?"

"while fucking."

he sighs, "taehyung... this is just a waste of time. they both just like to spend time together and it's all innocent so let's just go make ice creams or something."

"argh! give it back kookie!"

"never! it's mine now, jiminie!"

a couple loud thumps could be heard from inside the room.

tae smugly smiles, "told ya."

"hush, they are just fig-"

"owie! i'm gonna tell suga suga on you!"

"fine! tattletale jiminie!"

hoseok crinkles his nose, "did jimin just call yoongi hyung... suga suga?"

"pft! that is so lame." the ash brown brunette quietly laughs.

both hear a couple more loud thumps and decide to just go inside and see what is actually happening.

they go silent at the sight, it's what they didn't really expect. jungkook is sat upon jimin's waist while both are only in baggy t-shirts and boxers. the tv is showing reruns of spongebob while the two are just glaring at one another with stuffed animals surrounding them.

"ahm," hoseok clears his throat.

the busan boys look over to see the other two just staring at them with confusion.

"hobi hobi!" jimin exclaims, smiling child like.

hoseok's cheeks burn, he just smiles at him, unsure of what to actually say or do.

before anyone else could say anything, tae and hoseok are grabbed from behind and dragged out into the hallway. the door is then closed and they are met with the exhausted expression of min yoongi.

"hyung! why the hell did you drag us out? what's up with them two? why the stuffed animals and cartoon and what were they wearing? why did jimin say suga suga? and why are they mad at each other?" tae bombards the older with plenty of questions.

all yoongi could muster up is, "give them their privacy." he then turns and walks away back to the studio.

the sounds of loud laughter and talking erupts from the living room.

"the other two are home, let's go act as if we are asleep." hoseok whispers, quietly running to his room. "and let's forget this ever happened."


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