Dramatics And (Not A) Damsel In Distress

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As the day of the event approached, the participants were more committed to their practices and routine. Though most, if not all, were employed or managing their own businesses or working in some manner or effect, everyone took the time necessary to make sure that the event, and their respective performances, would run smoothly.

Barry found himself being swamped with more work than usual. He had, in addition to the extra official forensic duties due to a series of fires, patrolling work as the Flash, along with his practising sessions. Even though he missed a few, he made sure that he was caught up with the level of the practise. Normally, all of this would lead to a workload that can't be handled appropriately. But Barry was having fun.

Oliver understood. And he made sure that he was always available whenever Barry could get some time for himself. Iris and Joe got used to having Barry's singing as background music, and gave him their honest feedback whenever he needed it. Cisco and Caitlin added their own helpful and teasing comments around him.

All in all, Barry hadn't felt this content in a long time.

So, it stands to reason that things would go to, or atleast try to go to, absolute shit, as soon as possible.


Queen Consolidated had arranged for the fundraiser to be in a location that would be conducive to the various performances and to the comfort of the audience. It had also been made possible for people, other than the 'filthy rich', to attend the gala. Hence, the security was quite tight and the area was monitored very closely, both by the arranged security personnel and by Felicity.

("So... it's holiday season," Felicity began, hopefully.

Oliver glanced at her, with an eyebrow raised.

Felicity shrugged, pushing up her glasses with her forefinger. She looked at the monitor showing the other end of the video call connection, Star Labs.

"You think bad guys might, I don't know, take a break?"

Diggle started, with a wince, "Felicity... when have we ever had that much luck?"

Eyes widened, Felicity caught the startled gazes of Cisco and Caitlin.

"I'm setting some more alerts!"

"We'll set a few extra alerts.")


The day of the fundraiser, Barry woke up to the sensation of a warm hand smoothing over his bare back. Humming lowly, he pushed into the source of heat in front of him, snuggling into Oliver. A small, content smile tugged at his lips.

"What are you smiling at?" Oliver asked, in a voice gruff with sleep and unfettered affection.

With his eyes still closed, Barry nudged his head into the crook of Oliver's neck so as to rest on his shoulders. Oliver adjusted himself absentmindedly, making sure that Barry would be comfortable.

"I don't know...," began Barry, his lips mouthing the words on Oliver's neck, the vibrations causing a shiver to run down the archer's spine.

"I'm just happy, I guess," Barry said.

When no reply was forthcoming, Barry raised his head to look at Oliver. Seeing the tender look on his partner's face, a look which Oliver only ever let himself show in private and only ever with Barry, made his already fast heart skip a beat. Dipping down, Oliver pressed a lingering kiss to Barry's forehead. Barry's eyes fluttered closed as he basked in the knowledge that he was utterly loved.

"I am glad," whispered Oliver, his tone low as though imparting a great secret.


Watching Kurt panic, in a very controlled manner, would have caused Sebastian to break into hearty laughter. That's not to say that Barry didn't want to do the same. But Kurt was his friend now, and no matter how hilarious it was to watch him freak out, Barry decided to calm him down.

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