"Don't know what to do about what?" Ciel's voice made me freeze and we both shot up and out of our seats. Mey-Rin's chair tipped and tumbled down to the ground, crashing into the floor with a harsh clang. I flinched at the noise.

Ciel sighed and shook his head and Mey-Rin apologized profusely. "Mey-Rin." His tone silenced her in a heartbeat. "Yes, young master?" She gulped. "Did you help Bambi?" He asked, his gaze landing on my stiff form. "Well..." She started, her voice wavering. Ciel huffed out a heavy breath and he closed his eye before reopening it, turning to me. Now it was my turn to gulp. "Mey-Rin, go find the others." The flustered maid scrambled to run out the door, rushing down the hall to where I presumed Finny and the rest were, leaving me with Ciel.

"Come along, Bambi." Ciel ordered, walking out the door. I stood there a second longer, a frown growing on my face. "Woof." I mocked, following him out the door.


Ciel had made me change into my night clothes and help him into his night clothes as well. It wasn't as awkward as the other times, seeing as I had gotten somewhat used to it.

Currently, I was sitting on Ciel's bed in his room, per his orders, as he paced in front of me. "I'll be fine, master, it's--" Ciel cut me off with a harsh glare, making my eyes widen. For once, I felt afraid of him.

Ciel must have seen the look in my eyes, because his glare softened and he shook his head. The young earl padded over and sat beside me, staring at his feet as they dangled over the side of the large bed. "Don't run off like that again." Ciel murmured, his eyes raising up to look at me. What looked to be fear and sadness swirled in his eyes, and it made my heart crack to see Ciel so vulnerable.

In an instinctual move, I lean over and hug Ciel. Why can't I stay mad at him? I let out a silent sigh at the thought as I feel Ciel hesitantly lift his arms and wrap them around my waist. I felt my face heat up as he nuzzled into my neck. His grip around me tightened and I pull back with a pained hiss.

Ciel immediately lets go and his eyes widen in alarm as he looks at me. "Are you alright?" He asks, worried. "I-I'll be fine. It's nothing." I forced out, feeling tears brimming my eyes. He frowns and stands up, glaring down at me. "Up." He orders. I narrow my eyes dangerously at the boy, but nevertheless, follow his order. "Turn. Around." He says through clenched teeth. With a stiff form, I turn to face the wall as he walked up to me. If possible, I stiffened even more as I felt his hand gently rest on my back.

When I felt him begin to undo the strings on my nightgown, I whipped around and grabbed his hand, my violet gaze narrowing into a frigid blue glare. Ciel looked into my eyes, his cerulean gaze soft. "Trust me." Those two words. Those two words was all it took for me to let go of his hand. I have no clue why I trusted him this much, but I did.

I crossed my arms over my chest and bit my lip as he began to untie the strings once again. Thought of how inappropriate this was drifted to the front of my head, but I knew Ciel only wished to see the extent of my injury. Rolling my eyes, I took in a deep breath, letting the last of my energy build up within me. As easily as blinking, I forced the energy into the broken bone, making it mend perfectly within seconds. I felt the room spin and became light headed when I opened my eyes. I shouldn't have done that. I thought, instantly regretting my actions.

Ciel had finished undoing the strings and I felt the dress fall down from my shoulders before being stopped by my arms, which rested under my breast. I pushed the front back up to cover my front and nearly smacked my forehead as I heard Ciel gasp.

Ciel was staring at precisely what I didn't want Mey-Rin, or anyone else for that matter, to see. My scars.

They littered my body. Some longer than others. Some thicker than others. Along my shoulders were circular scars, six of them were scattered on each shoulder. Running down my back was a series of long gashes, some crossing over each other. However, the worst looking one was probably the biggest one I had. It was several inches thick and ran the length of my spine. Looking at these, it seemed like the branding on my side was nothing compared to them.

"What happened?" Ciel's voice was quiet as he spoke, making me frown. I hated that tone. Despised it. I heard it somewhere before, that one and those words put together. I just couldn't remember where. "I can't remember." I replied, telling the truth. "Part of your missing past?" Ciel guessed. I nodded.

He ran his finger down the longest scar on my back, sending shivers down my spine. He pulled back before gently running his fingers across where my broken rib was. I smiled proudly as he watched the bruises fade away back into my skin. "What the..." He gasped, pressing his fingers into my side. I grin and reach around my back, tying up my nightgown once again.

Once I was finished, I turned around to face him smiling at his shocked face. "How did you..." I giggled at the befuddled earl. "My little secret." Ciel rolled his eyes at me, making me laugh even more.


It was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping. I, however, couldn't rest. Something bad was coming. I could feel it in the air. A sense of foreboding followed me wherever I went, and it seemed like there was nothing I could do to escape it.

A scream tore through the manor, making my heart freeze. It sounded like it came from Ciel's room. That thought was all it took for me to rush up the stairs and into Ciel's room. As I opened the door into his chambers, I look around for any sign of danger, only to find none. I turn my gaze onto the sleeping boy only to find him tossing and turning in his sleep. It was just a nightmare. I sighed, relieved he wasn't being attacked. At least not physically.

I quietly walked over to Ciel, who was still locked in his nightmare as he tried to fight off some invisible monster. As I approached his bed, I sat down on it, reaching over to wake up Ciel. Before my hand even neared him, he shot up.


His cry made me reel back in shock as he sat up, his cobalt eyes open wide in fear. His breath came in harsh pants as his chest heaved up and down. "Ciel, hey, calm down." I said, reaching out to him. His gaze snapped to me, still wide and terrified. Before I could react, his arms were around me, pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him, rubbing his back soothingly as he held onto me. It's strange to see him like this. It seems like I'm the only one who does. Perhaps I catch him at the times it all becomes too much for him...

I shove the thought into the back of my mind as I heard the earl begin to speak. "You're here." He whispered, almost non-believing. "Of course I'm here. I won't leave you, Ciel." I say, watching as he pulls away from me, his gaze narrowed as he looked into my eye.

"Promise me." He demanded. I blinked at the sudden order. "What?" I questioned. "Promise me you won't leave my side." My eyes widened as a memory flashed through my mind.

"Promise me." He said, glaring at me. Tears ran down his face and he sniffled as he kept a tight grip on my arms. "What?" I asked, concern for the boy in front of me rising. "Promise me you won't leave me side. Promise you won't run away or--or be taken away from me. Promise you'll love me forever!" He cried, tears cascading down his face. My heart twinged painfully in my chest as I looked at him.

I reached up and wiped his tears away, a soft smile growing on my face. "I promise." I whispered, watching as a watery smile appeared on his face.

I look up at Ciel, who was staring down at me. A small trail of tears ran down his face, making my eyes widen. He didn't seem to notice that he was crying. That, or he didn't care at the moment. I raise my hand up and gently wipe away the tears running down his face. I gave him a tender smile as his watery gaze lifted up to meet my eyes. "I promise."

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