A ceiling fan hung squarely from the middle of the room, while two armchairs were placed in front of the big window, curtains drawn apart exposing the view of the pool downstairs with a tiny table between the chairs.

There were two windows, the other one was smaller, with its pale pink curtains drawn apart as well. On the mantle above the fireplace, two glass vases sat, holding decorations and photo frames.

The frames contained nothing personal, merely printed art pieces to match with the big piece of modern art sitting in a gold frame, hung nicely on the wall. It was a really pretty guestroom.

      I stepped into the toilet in the bedroom and took a quick wash before realising I had no night clothes

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I stepped into the toilet in the bedroom and took a quick wash before realising I had no night clothes. Slapping myself mentally, I wrapped myself in a towel and stepped back into the bedroom, wanting to hunt for a bathrobe, which I found easily. I wrapped myself up in the bathrobe, with no choice I had to re wear the same underclothes. I walked out of the room and to the door, where Mina was still busying herself with the task of cleaning the red paint off.

"Here, let me help you." I bent down and took an extra cleaning cloth from the floor beside her and dipped it into the bucket of soapy water and helped to scrub the door. To my dismay, the paint barely rubbed off at all. I looked at the door and notice that at least half of the paint had already been removed by Mina.

"It must require a lot of strength to accomplish that." I pointed at the clean parts of the door.

"It is, but having worked here for so long, I am already used to it." she smiled.

"How old are you?"

"I'm fourteen this year, and before you ask, I'm also Mrs Jung's daughter. We come from a poor family, so when Sir decided to offer us this job, we took it. At first, he only wanted Mom to work, but I insisted that I work too, because I didn't want the workload to be too harsh on her." she explained with a kindly look in her eyes.

"You are a good daughter."

"Ah, I feel that it's a duty."

I smiled at this statement, what a filial daughter.

Eventually, a face popped out of the window and called my name. Startled, I took a few steps back and fell off the doorstep, which had been raised above the ground slightly due to architectural design.

"Clumsy pabo!" Yoongi's voice rang through my ears and I turned beet red.

"Am not!"

"Whatever you say, but come in now."

"But the door-"

"Nevermind the door, just come in."

"Okay." I waved to Mina and stepped into the house.

Yoongi took me by the wrist and sat me on the couch.

"Are you even wearing anything under that?" he eyed my bathrobe.

"Obviously! What do you take me for?" I wrapped my arms around myself, offended.

Actually, all I have on is my bra and underwear, but you don't need to know that.

"Sorry. Relax. Anyway, Mrs Jung has quite a story to tell." He looked at Mrs Jung and she took a deep breath.

"This afternoon, there was this person, dressed all in black, hoodie and sweatpants, he had a black bag slung around him and I was in the garden pulling weeds, see, but I was just out of sight of the strange person. He had a cap on under the hoodie and a mask covering his face. I didn't notice him until I heard the spraying sound of the red paint and I tried to go after him. He ran for a little bit and I eventually caught up to him, he told me that he could pay me some money for my silence but I declined him and he just ran off, warning me not to tell Sir. I didn't tell Mina, I tried to scrub off the paint myself but it wouldn't come off." Her eyes were wide, breathing harsh, remembering the horrific turn of events.

"There, there, Mrs Jung, calm down. We can always wash off the paint." I patted her on the shoulder. She nodded and hurried off, saying she would busy herself in the kitchen.

"Come with me." Yoongi led me upstairs to the bedroom that I would be sleeping in. He reached into the dresser drawer and pulled out a hoodie and pyjama pants.

"Wear these to sleep."

"Why are these in a guest room?" I scratched my head.

"Guestroom? Who said it was a guestroom?" He walked over to the door, slamming it shut and locking it.

"It's my room, and tonight, you'll sleep here, with me." He crossed his arms and blocked the door.

Author's note: I've been experimenting with putting pictures heh

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