Chapter fifty two: Carrie

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War is tomorrow.

I sat at the head table and looked out onto the mess hall.

Elymas came up to me and started talking.

"So who do you think this Courtney girl is?" He asked and set his drink next to my own.

"I have no idea." I sighed.

"Well, do you have any ideas?"

"Well, we know that she's Perseus' sister, so she's a daughter of Poseidon. That's pretty specific but we don't have any daughters of Poseidon named Courtney."

"Well that sucks." He shrugged.

I took a gulp of my lemonade and scanned the crowd.

My eyes did a double take once I saw Neptuna.

I choked on my drink and went into a coughing fit. The memories of last night flashed before me, Neptuna running away once I kissed her and the weight of hurting her on my chest.

Elymas drank some of his pop and blinked.

"Woah." His eyes dilated.

"Hey Carrie." A girl leaned on the table.

"Hello." I smiled.

Elymas stared at the girl wide-eyed, his mouth partially open.

She grinned and returned to her table.

Elymas waited a moment then started walking toward the girl's table to do gods know what.

He sat down at the girl's table. I gazed into his drink, which he had left at the table. The drink was discolored, it had been green a second before but was now a pitch black.


I got up and walked over to him. Somehow someone had slipped a love potion into his drink thinking it was mine.

"I blame you for whatever he does." I glared at the table and pulled Elymas after me.

Neptuna laughed and I stared at her in disbelief, she immediately went silent and turned away.

"What are you— Come on dude!" Elymas argued as I pulled him down the path.

"Stop fighting." I rolled my eyes, horrified at the fact that this could've been me and Grace wasn't around to help me.

We got to the praetor cabin and I pulled out a chair.

I forced Elymas into the chair and started tying him down. The whole time he was making as much noise as possible and constantly saying horrible things about me in order to make me as stunted as to let him go.

"Dammit, they stepped it up. I didn't even see her this time!" I growled.

"I must see the hotties!" Elymas yelled and struggled against his restraints.

"Be quiet and relax."

"No! You get everything!"

"Shh, just relax buddy, it'll all be over in a couple of minutes."

"You're going to kill me?" Elymas gasped and stared at me in horror.

"No, I'm not going to kill you." I rolled my eyes and riffled through my desk, searching for the antidote.

"Let me see them!"


"You get everything you want! A home! Food! Friends! Money! You get everything!"

"Shh, you don't know what you're saying, it's the serum speaking, not you. Not Elymas. Dangit, where is that freaking antidote?"

"You son of a—"

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