six | PAIN

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song for this chapter is All I Want by Kodaline because the lyrics translate to how Cheryl feels about Luna so well oml

also if you watch the video there's a part 2 on youtube in case you're interested

disclaimer: okay i changed Shay's name, don't ask why, but it's now Ilana (if you can't really tell what the letters are its ILANA, so it's just Alana with an I) her nickname is Lana

also i really need to catch up on riverdale, like i haven't even watched episode 3, i had a play and we had rehearsals on wednesdays so sorry

school is weird but i'll really try to get back to writing again

in other news, i wrote a short story for a class and someone cried so yay

i'm hoping to invoke the feels in yalls at some point

Maybe if she had shown up at a different time Cheryl wouldn't have been so pissed off.

She didn't know why she was jealous, deep down she knew for a fact that there was nothing to worry about.

Luna still loved her, and even if she did like Ilana for some unknown reason, she wouldn't date her.


I mean was she ready to start a relationship again? It hadn't been that long since she had left.

But she had left.

Whenever Cheryl thought about that, she could almost cry. A part of her thought that maybe Luna left because of her.

Left because she didn't love her, and she couldn't bear to see her anymore.

Little did she know that it was the complete opposite.

Luna couldn't bear to see the face of the person she possibly loved most in the world almost every day, knowing they could never truly have a relationship with them.


The fiery-haired girl looked up, "Hm?"

Luna smiled, "Come on, I want you to meet Lana."

Cheryl resisted the urge to roll her eyes, "I'll be right there. Give me a second."

Luna nodded, "We'll be in the kitchen."

Cheryl's pink-haired crush left the room after standing there for a heartbeat, questioning if she should really leave just yet.

It wasn't the first time she had questioned leaving.

Luna left the room and wandered into the kitchen where Ilana sat at the kitchen island, arms crossed in front of her.

She wore an army jacket with a black shirt underneath, her blue jeans were ripped but it looked like it hadn't been done on purpose.

Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she wore dark makeup, a black necklace gracing her cream colored skin.

When she heard Luna's footsteps she picked up her head quickly and smiled, "Hey there."

"Hey," Luna smiled. "do you want some water or something?"

Ilana nodded quickly, "You have no idea."

Luna smiled and reached for a bottle from the case sitting on the floor. Once she resurfaced, the doorframe to the kitchen had darkened.

"Hey, Cheryl, this is Ilana."

Ilana looked back at Cheryl with a smile, one that Cheryl mirrored fakely.

It hadn't taken a long time for Luna to recognize which of Cheryl's smiles were fake and which were real, especially when she had seen so many of her real ones.

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