He needed to be smart in how he approached her though, she had been snookered before and Prince needed to make sure he dripped with love, care and sincerity.

The publisher or her agent had surely arranged a car for her to the airport. He wanted to be near her as soon as possible, but he also wanted to make sure she couldn't exit should she not be receptive to his apology.

Slipping on his suit jacket and zipping up his rollerbag, he made his way downstairs to the valet. Stepping outside he ducked into the concierge arranged car and rode to the airport.

As a VIP, Prince boarded the plane first, quickly assuming the position of reading a newspaper ensuring that it covered his entire face and torso. The only item that would have given him away, were his signature heels if she chose to look down.

Noelle was assigned the window seat which was perfect, allowing him the ability to corner her a bit.

A smile crept across Prince's lips as he heard the flight attendant speaking to Noelle about her book and how much it means to her.

"You know my mama, God love her, but she is always on me about when I'm gonna settle down. I'm like mom I haven't met my forever yet. It's just so hard out there. Your book has given me so much inspiration to just patiently wait. Patience...patience...patience, I tell myself every morning in the mirror."

'Ok...let the poor Noelle have a seat now.' Prince thought to himself.

Noelle signed the gal's book and then snuck by Prince to sit in her seat. As she did, she accidentally bumped into his arm as she sat down, apologizing.

"I'm so sorry." she said fidgeting to get comfortable.

"Mmmm." He accidentally groaned aloud smelling her light perfume.

The flight attendant asked Prince and Noelle if they'd like anything to drink. Quietly, Prince asked for a bottled water and Noelle did as well.

Once the aircraft was in the air, Prince peeked out of the right side of the newspaper and saw her pouring over her spiral notebook.

She's writing...wonder what shes writing about.

Easing the paper forward he decided to throw caution to the wind and speak to her, "I need a poster of you to put in my walk in closet. If you have one of me, it seems only fair for me to have one of you."

Folding the paper he waited for her reaction.

She was instantly flushed and he hoped she wouldn't still be mad.

Without drawing herself away from her notebook she replied, "Maybe it would be better next to your bed..." Turning her head to the side to finally look him in the eye with an arched eyebrow she finished her thought, "Or above it."

Using his own words back at him was genius because it meant that she remembered, and Prince liked that.

Prince smiled at Noelle...but she was stoic which made him uneasy still not knowing how she felt about him being there. Until she finally broke... while looking at his lips and smiling back.

Noelle was happy to see him, and Prince...Prince was in love. You could tell by looking at him...the way his nose crinkled and both his lips and eyes smiled at her.


When the flight landed, Prince's driver met them at baggage and retrieved their bags leading them to a car parked outside.

Prince allowed her to enter the car first and had to do his best to avoid focusing on her behind. He knew taking it slow was important considering the last snafu.

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