Allison told the police everything that happened, minus the wolves part, but they sided believe her, instead they laughed in her face, told her that she was lying. After all who would believe a ten-year-old that wolves and her mother were the people who kidnapped her brother.

Allison was now seventeen, turning eighteen on December 20th. Allison missed her brother dearly.

Allison and her father Mason moved from town to town. They traveled a lot and never stayed in the same place for more than two years.

Now they were moving back to Mason's hometown, Forks. Allison had been to Forks whenever she was younger but couldn't remember what it was like.

Allison and Bunter were seven years old
whenever they lived in Forks. But they haven't been back since.

"Allison?" Mason said "Are you ready to go?" Allison nodded her head, she really liked Paris.
"Do we have to go?" Allison asked Mason.

"I mean, can't we stay here?" Mason chuckles.

"No, I'm sorry sweetheart, it's safer in Forks" Allison took one last looked at her empty bedroom.

Allison took one last look at Paris, before she moved to a wet town named Forks.


"You have a visitor" Mason said and Allison looked up to see one of her very good friends, Alyssandra

"Allison!" The woman yelled, Allison smiled and walked towards her getting a hug from Alyssandra.

Aly broke the hug and smiled. "I have something for you Allison." She said and then gave her the necklace.

"I want you to keep it safe for me" she said with a thick heavy French accent. Aly was a witch who was born and lived in France all her life.

Allison pulled her into another hug, a tear fell "je t'aime" she whispered, Aly smiled "je t'aime aussi" She said and broke the hug.

Aly kissed her forehead "you must go" Allison nodded her head. "Call me whenever your plane lands!" Aly said but Allison smirked "I'll send you a letter instead!" Aly only laughed.

"Ok, ok."

"Are you ready to go?" Mason asked Allison who nodded her head. "Mr Allen" Aly said, Mason turns around and smiled.

He pulled her into a hug "goodbye" she said and then the Allens got into their car (and Mason) drove away.

Allison closed her eyes hoping that she wouldn't get the same nightmare but deep down she knew that it could come back.

It always did.

(je t'aime—I love you
je t'aime aussi—I love you too)
^it is also in french

I do not know French, and if I get it wrong please let me know and I will change it. This won't be the last time that we see Aly.

phoebe tonkin

phoebe tonkinasAly

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^ the necklace

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^ the necklace

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By loves


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