The Escape (36)

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(Song above is really fitting for the car chase)


"1 minute. One minute, and this place is destroyed and us along with it." Luke said.

"Don't say it like that man, there's a way out!" Daniel said. "It's all blocked off," Luke sighed as he put his face in his hands. "We're goners." He said.

"Matt and David are on their way.." I said. Luke snapped his neck to me. "No! They probably have taken our friends and left us here to fucking die! I could've escaped this shit hole on my own! I have done it before!" Luke snapped.

I was speechless. I felt like breaking down. Daniel went over and tried to console Luke. "I didn't want him to be like this. This is what I was afraid of." I whispered to Cara as a tear fell.

"Don't start this Lauren. It's not your fault. He has it tough. Matt and David are the reason Luke lost everything. You can't expect him to be okay with this." Cara rubbed my shoulder.

"Are they really leaving us here to die?" I looked at Cara. She paused for a moment.

"I honestly don't know.." she sighed.

"GUYS! COME ON! THIS WAY!" Matt and David came running around the corner. We all jumped and looked at them.

"Why are ye staring at us?! COME ON! WE HAVE 30 SECONDS TO GET OUT OF HERE!" David shouted.

We looked at Luke and he scowled at them. "How do we know this isn't a trap?" he said. "Are you for fucking real? We're trying to save you! You can either follow us or get blown up!" Matt shouted.

"10 seconds." the robot voice said over the intercom.

Luke sighed. "Lets go." he said.

Matt and David started running and we ran after them.

"Hurry! We got the van to smash a hole through the wall! Just around the corner!" David shouted back to us.

I felt like everything was in slow motion. We were literally about to die. This was a matter of life or death.

I see the exit. I see it. Five seconds.

Caras out, Daniels out. I see the others outside. They're shouting at us to hurry up. It sounds like they're so far away. My visions gone blurry. My head is spinning.

There are guards after the others outside. I can hear the rest of the gang shouting, guns going off. I jumped through the hole and as I did, the whole building exploded behind me. I rolled in the grass to get away and I hid behind a tree.

Cara came up next to me. We were both shaking. The whole place was on fire. Everything went quiet for a while.

"Where are the others?!" I panicked. She shrugged and I could see the fear in her eyes. We remained still and quiet for what seemed like ages.

I then saw a figure move in the grass. The man bounced up and aimed his gun around. More security came out now. "Find them. I want them taken back in. And this time we will torture them to make sure they know their lesson." the guard scowled.

I let out a gasp and Cara quickly covered my mouth. The guard swiftly aimed his gun towards our tree. "Come out. I'm not going to hurt you. We're just gonna talk.." the guard said.

Neither of us moved, or even breathed. The guard let out a chuckle.. then he fell to the ground after a shotgun went off.

The rest of the security started shooting and Cara took out her gun and shot back. "LAUREN! HELP ME!" She shouted over the noises and nodded at my gun in my belt.

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