We have to get him back prt 1

Start from the beginning

"Nanami you better stop pranking me! I'm serious! Nanami don't make me curse at you!" I looked everywhere, no luck.

"Onikiri! Kotetsu! Are you guys here?" I couldn't find them either.

I'm all alone. Where did they go? What happened?

I wonder... is this Nanamori's work?

I got out of the shrine, and tried to remember where Kurama's house was, but I guess I didn't have to. There was a bunch of fangirls squealing 'Kurama' so I went in the building, and found the crow.

"Kurama... I'm kinda actually glad to see you."

"Who are you?"

"What do you mean? I'm Emi, you know."

"I'm sorry I don't know you... oh are you one of my fans."

"Oh hell no, I ain't one of your bitches!"

"Excuse me?!?"

"Hello Emi."

"Who's calling me?"

"Emi! Emi, wake up!"

"No, no, nooooo!" I woke up and found myself in Winter's house.

"W-Winter? What's going on?"

"I came back from my tutoring lesson and I found you passed out on my porch. Why is something wrong?"

"What happened. I have to get back!"

"Get back where? What happened during your passed out moment."

"Wait? Who am I?"

"You are Emily North, a 16 year old girl."

"When's my birthday?"

"Um, October 12?"

"Ahah! Your not Winter!"

"What do you mean?"

"She wouldn't ever call me Emily! And my birthday is October 21! Nanamori! Show yourself for I can punch you!"

"Oh, I thought my acting skills were perfect." She was transformed from Winter back to herself.

"I didn't know you had a power like this."

"We all have powers to make people see things that we want them to see."

"How did you know about Winter? About any of this!"

"I had two little birdies sing to me."

She showed me Nanami and Tomoe beaten down.

"Nanami! Tomoe!" I started crying.

"What did you do to them!?!" I said with my weeping voice.

"I made them sing, I am the god of thunder after all."

"What do you want from me!?! Tell me!"

"I don't want anything from you, I want him." she pointed at Tomoe.

"Tomoe?" she nodded.

"B-but..." I couldn't say anything, I was speechless.

"Tomoe... Tomoe, I'm going to do this for your own good, it hurts me to do this. I will find a way to get you back,"

I kissed his forehead.

"And that's a promise." I finished whispering to him.

"No... wait... don't..."

"Why?" I said with a weeping tone.

"I did this to protect you,"

"So did I." Nanami finally spoke.

"How would this protect me?!? Look at you both! I'm crying for both of you because I care about you two! And because I care too much... I have to do this."

I looked away, and started to death glare at the thunder god.

"You can have Tomoe, but I will be back! I will get him back, no matter what!" She left with Tomoe.

"I know." then she left without saying another word.

Winter's house turned into the park near the shrine. It was raining fierce fully. Nanami was here with me, still beaten down.

"I hope... we can... get him... back." she struggled to say.

"We will, no matter what!" We walked out of the park and into the shrine.

"Nanami! Emi! Where were you!" Onikiri and Kotetsu said.

"Never mind that! We have to help Nanami!" I tried healing her with the bandages and alcohol, but she just couldn't be helped.

What do I do! What do I do!

My hands started moving on there own. They hovered over Nanami and started glowing.

Please let this work!

I prayed and prayed and prayed. Nanami was healed, at last.

"Nanami!" I started crying tears of joy.

"Thank god! I could heal you." I pulled her in for a hug.

"We have to get Tomoe back!" she said.

"We will get him back. That's a promise!"


Oh. My. God! What the heck happens next? I know I'm a devil for not telling you what's gonna happen, and putting a little cliffhanger. See ya later lamas!

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Bye lamas!

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