Chapter 26: The Hokage's Funeral. Until Next Time!

Start from the beginning

Choji: R-right (Gets up from the floor) I'm coming. I'll be back guys.

Asuma: Be back guys.

*As time went by the doctor that escorted ryuki returns.*

Doctor: He's in the stable status so you can all visit him now. He'll need to spend at least a night here until he can leave. (Moves to the side) You can go ahead though and greet your friend.

Rin: (Gets up and runs to ryuki's room as ino and shikamaru follows)

*When they walk into the room, ryuki is lied on the bed with wraps all over his body and a cup of water in his right hand. The curtains in the room were closed slightly open but open enough so the sun's ray could hit his face.*

Ryuki: (Looked away from the window and sees Ino, Shikamaru, and his sister Rin) Sup......(Smiles)

Rin: (Runs up to ryuki and hugs him) Big brother!

Ino: (Joins her and hugs him as well) Don't ever scare me like that.....

Ryuki: (Feels the pain but holds it in) I'm sorry. Now if you don't mind.....I'm like really hurt.

Rin: I don't care....(Starts to cry)

Ryuki: (Softly grooms his sister's hair) I'm sorry sis.

Ino: (Lets go of ryuki and looks him in his eyes) What you did out there was stupid and dangerous. But (Kisses him on the cheek) You saved my life. I thank you for that.

Ryuki: Your welcome babe. (Looks at her ankle and sees his kunai still there) Still have it on ya huh?

Ino: (Looks down and nods) I'll give it back once you've recovered. 

Shikamaru: (Comes from the back of the room and gives ryuki a fist pump)

Ryuki: What's up captain. (Smirks)

Shikamaru: (Chuckles and smirks) You scared me back there.

Ryuki: (Fake gasps) I worried the almighty shikamaru.

Shikamaru: (Sighs and smiles) How ya feeling?

Ryuki: (Looks down at his sister who's still holding onto him and looks back to shikamaru) I'm feeling great. I got my family and friends back. 

Shikamaru: Good to hear.

A Few Moments later

*Choji and Asuma both enter the room with a bag full of snack and beverages of all kind*

Asuma: (Smiles) Look who's back from the dead. (Walks over to Ryuki) How ya hanging kid?

Ryuki: Pretty good sensei! I'm supposed to be at least 75% by tomorrow and then I'll be good to go.

Choji: Ry-Ryuki! (Runs over to ryuki) I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough back there.....If only...

Ryuki: (Cuts him off) You were a lot of help back there choji. If it weren't for you those ninjas would have overwhelmed me and Ino. It's thanks to you friend, that I'm here.

Choji: (Starts to cry) Ryuki!

Shikamaru: And here we go.

Asuma: I'm sorry It took me long to get back with you guys. I got tangled up on my end and as a result you were badly hurt. I won't let that happen to my students ever again. You have my word.

Ryuki: Right.

Rin: (Grabs a soda and drinks it) I needed that.

30 Minutes later

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