Chapter 10:The Chunin Exams(part 1)

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*As Asuma's team came back from there mission, they all prepare for the first exam that's gonna happen the next day after*

Ryuki: Ow. (Rubs bruised face) Who knew an old lady could punch so hard!

Rin: Nobody told you to try and take her food without asking, you idiot (Punches his shoulder) You totally deserved it.

Shikamaru: Yeah, that was a pretty stupid move even for you ryuki.

Ryuki: What was that supposed to mean Shikamaru? (Growls but groans from the pain) Oww

Choji: I would've done the same thing Ryuki, I think it was a really smart and bold plan.

Ino: No It was not Choji. Ryuki, You had it coming to ya.

Ryuki: Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways we have to get ready for the exam tomorrow you guys(sighs) I don't wanna go.

Rin: Yeah I don't wanna but my best friend is going so I'm gonna go.

Ino: Best friend? 

Shikamaru: Pretty sure she mean Naruto (puts both of his hands in the pockets) I've seen you guys eating at the same spot for like 5 days straight.

Ryuki: Your gonna get fat twerp. (chuckles)

Rin: Shut up! (Punches ryuki in his bruised face)

Ryuki: OWWW! (falls to the floor holding his face) I'm gonna kill you when I get up!

Ino: Oh my gosh. You two are so immature. Seriously it reminds me of Sakura and me.

Shikamaru: The only thing I know is that these exams tomorrow is gonna be a drag so I'm gonna rest until then. Later (Walks away)

Choji: I'm going with shikamaru. See you guys tomorrow! (goes and follows shikamaru)

Ino: I have to help with the flower shop today so I'll be at your front door tomorrow morning, okay? (Hugs rin then kisses ryuki on the cheek) Bye.

Ryuki & Rin: Bye!

Ryuki: So what you wanna do little sis (pats her head)

Rin: Stop patting my head will ya and I want ramen.

Ryuki: Is that all you eat now? (shakes his head)

Rin: That's me and Whiskers favorite meal (smiles)

Ryuki: Whiskers? Anyways let's go twerp. It's on me *smiles*

Rin: Yay!

*After the brother and sister bonding while eating ramen, they both decide to go home and prepare for the exams the next day*

Ryuki: I think it's time to hit the hay don't you think (making his late night green tea)

Rin: I'm way ahead of you (Runs under her covers and closes her eyes) Good night Ry-Ry!(giggles)

Ryuki: Good night Rin (chuckles and drinks his tea)

*The next morning*

Ryuki: (Opens the door seeing Ino leaning against the wall next to their door) Hi babe, your early (kisses Ino on the cheek)

Ino: I couldn't really sleep at all last night (fixes her long blonde hair) I barely had time to do my hair this morning (sighs)

Ryuki: That's why I'm happy my hair isn't that long.

Ino: Whatever, it's worth it if your this beautiful (flips her bang)

Ryuki: Huh-huh 

Rin: I'm ready!! (Bolts out the house and runs down the stairs) Come on already!

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