Chapter 16: Things are getting intense huh?

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*The match between Sasuke and Yoroi continues. So far it seems Sasuke has the fight in his hands but once Yoroi grabbed sasuke collar, Sasuke becomes weak and gets hit in the head and lets go*

Ryuki: What's gotten into him sensei?

Asuma: He stealing his chakra. (Smokes his cigarette)

Rin: He's what? Never heard that before.

Ryuki: Like I said (Looks down at sasuke as he continuously dodges Yoroi attacks ) He'd better not lose this fight. 

Sasuke: (Dodges the attacks then vanishes)

Ryuki: Huh.....(spots sasuke) So fast

*Sasuke kicks Yoroi launching him into the air*

Rin: What move is he gonna pull off?

Ino: I never knew sasuke was that fast.

Sasuke: (Jumps up with him as he appears behind Yoroi in mid-air) Okay I admit I kinda borrowed that move (places two fingers on his back) But from here on out it's original. Now take this.

Ryuki: (Looks at lee and notices a shocked expression on his face) Is that Lee's move Sasuke's using? But how? 

Sasuke: (flips him over and tries to kick him but is blocked)

Yoroi: Ha! Your no match for me!

Sasuke:  You really think so? (Reverses in mid-air and backhand him making him aim downward) You think I'm finished with ya! (Before he hits the ground he brings down his leg making the impact worse for yoroi) Lion's Barrage! (After the attack he slides back and gets up wiping the blood from his face)

Hayate: He's unconscious so the winner of this match is Sasuke Uchiha.

Ryuki: Ah man I totally wanna fight now!!! (Starts whining)

Rin: (Looks at naruto seeing him anxious to fight as well) These boys just can't hold it in can't they.

Hayate: Now to the next fight (The monitor stops on Shino and Zaku) Both fighters please come down.

Ryuki: (Looks at Zaku) How'd his arm get like that?

Ino: I don't think he can fight with a broken arm.

Shikamaru: That's his choice.

Hayate: Let the fight begin

Zaku: I only need one arm to fight you! (Charges at shino and tries to punch but get it easily blocked)

Shino: You possibly think you can beat me with one arm do you?

Zaku: Yeah well, I got some news for ya! (Sends Shino flying with an attack) Blasting Sound wave!

Ryuki: What the......Is he okay?

Shino: (slowly gets up) 

Zaku: that bugs? Coming out of him?

Rin: Eww that's nasty.

Ryuki: Yeah It's giving me goosebumps. (Stops) many....

Zaku: (Turns around seeing hundreds of bugs coming around him then looks down) Now you've done....(Raises one hand towards shino) Now you made me mad!!! (Raises his other hand towards the bugs)

Ryuki: Huh....I thought his arm was....was broken.

Shikamaru: Maybe it was a bluff who knows.

Ino: Or anger

Choji: Or hunger cause you know not having food can make people mad

*All looks at him*

Rin: Really Cho-cho

Zaku: Now your done!! ( Tries to do something but instead puts his arms down)Ahh my arms! What's wrong with them?

Ryuki: What kind of attack was that? (Scratches his head)

Asuma; That was a failed attack because Shino countered it without him knowing.

Ino: What do you mean?

Asuma: The bugs on Zaku hands.....they absorb chakra from an enemy.

Ryuki: So basically he can steal someone's chakra by using is pet bugs? That's weird.

Shino: (Vanishes and appears behind Zaku and before he can attack, shino sends zaku flying knocking him out)

Hayate: (Walks up to Zaku and examines him) Yeah, he's done for. The winner Of this match Shino Aburama.

Ryuki: Mhm......Not bad. Now (Jumps up and down happily) when do I start?!

Ino: Calm down will ya. You'll get your chance.

Asuma: Nice seeing ya all happy and ready for battle ryuki.

Hayate: Okay now for the next fight. (Monitor Goes fast and stops) The next fight will be......Ryuki Yuzu........and Rin Yuzu.

Ryuki: W-what........No......No that Isn't right.

Rin: B-brother do we.....have to fight?

Ino: Wait a sec this can't be right! There in the same team!

Hayate: It doesn't say in the rules that they don't have to be in the group together or not. In the end of the day it's a free-for-all and only the best succeeds so either way if they both would've passed, they might have fought each other later on in the exams.

Shikamaru: But how come they are the only ones who got picked from the same team then huh?

Hayate: The matches are chosen by random, it isn't my choice.

Ryuki: Rin? (Sees her walking down tightening her gloves)

Rin: Let's go....I don't have all day.

Sakura: Oh boy.....

Naruto: Rin......Ryuki

Ryuki: (Jumps down and goes into his fighting stance) Okay.......I'm ready.

Gaara: Their brother's and sister's?

Kankuro: Things are getting interesting huh?

Hayate: If you two are ready the battle may start.

Ryuki: Here I come. (Vanishes and tries to kick rin but gets it blocked and she throws a punch at ryuki connecting to his face making him fall backwards but recovers)

Rin: I'm not gonna lose to you ryuki. In this battle your not my brother, Your my enemy.

Ryuki: Mhm Very well. In that case Rin (Unsheathes his kitana) I'll make this fight short for ya.

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