Cassie, TW, TM, TD Part Three

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Cassie, The Wife, The Mother, The Daughter

Part 3

Omg, where did the night go but my looking at the state of this room we went through a good few bottles of wine and now I am in bed with my best friend and I am I completely nude. Great. I picked my joggers off the floor and got my phone out it was 8:17AM. Wonderful I 24 missed calls. I went out of the room in Ryan's T-Shirt and went into the kitchen and rang Harry.

"Hey honey the kids and where just wondering if you're ok" Harry said wow that took some processing in my head .

"I am fine me and Ryan just had a couple of bottles last night out by the lake and I didn't want to risk riding home so Ryan slept on the sofa. I should be home soon as I tidy up and drop Ryan off"

"Do you want me to come give you a hand?" Harry said. That was a first an offer for help

"No, it is ok I'll be home soon. Oh don't forget to drop William at Khodi's at 10AM"

"I won't Love you" Harry said before I put my phone down.

"Morning" Ryan said. Whilst I realised there was four empty bottles of wine in the kitchen.

"Hung-over? Nice night?"the last one I said with a shameful yet happy smile

"Both" Ryan said as he put his arms around me.

"Oh what are we going to do?" I said hugging back.

"First clean this place then I don't know. Do it all again?"

"As much as I would like that..."

"Sorry I forgot. It's just..." Ryan paused as if something was all choked up inside of him.

"Well anyway! Are you going to go get your truck? You could put my bike in the back on the way back. I'll start bagging these bottles up." That surely isn't what I wanted to say but it is what I needed to say. Ryan went and got dressed, while I looked for bin bags and finish a bottle of wine of which was on the counter.

"Umm... I sorta need my shirt" Ryan said looking and me while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh yeah," I pulled his shirt off as I walked past to get my clothes out of the bedroom. "Here"

"See you in a bit, and we need to emm... talk" Ryan said with his head around the bedroom door.

"Well I am not going anywhere without my Vespa. So you know... go" I said with a joking voice

Ryan walked towards the front door, as I headed for the tiny kitchen, if you could call it a kitchen.

"I love you" Ryan said before shutting the door, he put a lot of effort into the 'I'. This isn't usually the next morning feeling I get normally with a drinking night with Ryan. Well there was more than drinking.

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