Chapter 6: Toothless!?

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Everyday I'm with the boy, who I learn is Hiccup, at training. And as a dragon we fly around and have fun. I think he named me Toothless?! But its not a bad name.

We have the final lesson of training tomorrow, its me and hiccup which made that Astrid chic quite angry.

Its Stormfly again today. It takes some time, but in the end its a draw. Tomorrow its me and hiccup against the Nightmare.

I fly off to the cove (without being seen of course) and wait for hiccup. Some time later I hear him saying something like, "Well bud, we are going to be taking a little vacation for forever" And I think that Astrid chic attacks him, so I fly up, and land behind her. I growl. She quickly ins around. "Is that a...........Night fury?" She mumbles slightly. "Uh yes. Astrid Toothless. Toothless Astrid." He 'introduces' us. She runs of saying something like, she's going to tell Stoick. "DA da-da we're dead." Hiccup says. I nudge him on me. "Your right bud, we need to stop her."

We drop her on top of a tall tree. "Please let me explain." He pleads. "No! I will not let you say anything!" She snaps back. "Then I won't speak, just let me show you." He replies, still slightly pleading. She huffs. "Okay bud, *he pats my head* put her down, gently" he says. Sorry hiccup, but things are about to get wild. She gets on my back. And I take off, flying fast and flying up and diving spontaneously as she panics. "He's not usually like this. Bad dragon". Wait he thought I was a guy?! I start spiraling as I dive. " Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile!". Astrid starts apologizing in terror. Finally. I level off as we fly into the sunset. Just as I am about to land, I hear the queen calling me. Oh no! No no no no no! Not now! I am powerless to resist and follow the call. "Uh bud, where are you going?" Hiccup asks. But I ignore him. We fly into the mist, Dragons surround us. "Hey, Duskwing where have you been?" A nightmare asks. I don't a answer. Hiccup and Astrid get scared and flatten against me, trying to hide themselves.
When we enter, I try to hide myself in the shadows. A gronckle, flies over and drops a haddock in the hole. Greedy little. "Its nice to know our food is being dropped down a hole" Hiccup said. A dissatisfied growl rumbles through the mountain as the queen eats the Gronckle. Everyone panics and flies out, including me. "NIGHT FURY! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" She (the queen) snaps at me. I keep flying, towards Berk. Two dragons chase after me. "Dusk where have you been? We need to talk." I get startled and crash on Berk, hitting my head hard.

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