Chapter 8

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The sun had began to shine more the sky as she entered camp again. She had been wandeirng the forest, staring at the blooming flowers on their trees and bushes as they were together with the mighty leafed ones.

"This seems to be the only thing that can settle my nerves these days." She muttered, but not loud enough for her words to carry to any cat's ears. Around her, MagnoliaClan cats ate peacefully, enjoying the feel of the sun on their coats. All except Thornback and Leafheart, who preferred to only let their heads take in the sun.

"Hey Lilypetal." Twigshade purred in delight, giving his mate a gentle nuzzle. She licked his cheek. Her eyes wandered to the great magnolia tree in the heart of the camp, some petals falling down to the ground.

Petalstar was grooming her cream and white pelt, not paying attention to Lilypetal at all, or anycat in camp for that matter. For once, Lilypetal was glad to not have her mother and Clan leader's eyes on her.

"Lilypetal, you've been going in and out of camp lately. Is something wrong?" Her mate asked, concern in his kind green eyes.

Lilypetal's gaze flickered to Petalstar, who was looking down at Asterflower and Starlingflight watch their kits bat at stray petals together in a circle. "I can't tell you this here." She meowed in his ear.

Twigshade looked around the camp and swiftly lead the way out with his mate on his heels. Leaving the bush that was the camp entrance behind them, they led themselves to the bundle of flowering blossom trees just of their Clan's territory, but not too far from camp. "Twigshade, I don't feel safe inside MagnoliaClan." She blurted out suddenly.

He blinked at her. "Why not? Petalstar," before he could complete what he was about to say, Lilypetal broke in. "Petalstar threatened to kill me." She meowed.

Twigshade's concerned expression turned to one of confusion and anger. "Why in StarClan's name would she do that? You're her kit! A cat would never so much as raise a claw to their own!" His outrage was genuine.

"Because I know why she exiled Rowanfall." Lilypetal replied. The brown tabby tom blinked at her in astonishment. "You have to tell the Clan then," but his mate shook her head.

"Petalstar will really kill me then, and pretty much MagnoliaClan blames my littermate for Mintfoot's death.. but there's more too it," Lilypetal went on. "Mintfoot was my littermate, Robinstar is our father... mine and Rowanfall's. I'm half MagnoliaClan and HollowClan." She watched her mate look at her really confused.

"I had no idea you were half-Clan cats. But there's one thing I don't understand about all of this-" he didn't finish. The ferns rustled and a heartbeat later three cats raced into the clearing while Twigshade stood between them and Lilypetal, resting his tail on her shoulder, back arched, ready to flay whoever tried to harm her.

Lilypetal's eyes widened in surprise. "Rowanfall!" She gasped. Her littermate blinked at her, twitching a slashed ear. "Lilypetal.." he murmured in shock. The two littermates greeted each other by brushing their tails beside each other's flanks.

Vine blinked. "Who's that?" He pointed his tail to Twigshade, who slightly relaxed, but still kept his battle-stance.

"This is my mate Twigshade," Lilypetal responded to the amber tabby. Looking at her brother now, her expression for her brother changed to one of worry and concern. "Rowanfall, Petalstar's determined on makimg me suffer.. she threatened to kill me if I told why you were exiled." She explained.

Garra blinked in shock. "Does this she-cat hate all of her kits?" He asked Rowanfall. The tom lashed his tail. "You should get back to camp. Vine, Garra, and I will stay in the place we made for ourselves just some ways away from the borders. But, you're more than welcome to stay if that fox-heart is harming you like that." He growled.

"I know. Thank you." Lilypetal meowed. Turning to her mate, she looked at him, indicating that they should head back to camp. With that, they both did so.

"May StarClan light your path." Rowanfall meowed after them. Twigshade dipped his head. "And yours." He told him and walked away.

* * * *

Lilypetal was surrounded by flowers again. She was summoned by StarClan. Mintfoot was in front of her. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"You are right. Rowanfall didn't end my life. Petalstar did." He told her.

"Petalstar.." Lilypetal growled. "I know she did it. It's the only option there is." She flexed her claws. Mintfoot said nothing in response.

"Petalstar betrayed my brother's name! Our brother's name!" She lashed her tail from side to side. The StarClan tom blinked at her. "Petalstar killed me thinking that would be a blessing to StarClan for her breaking the warrior code of falling in love with Robinstar." He explained.

Lilypetal drank in each word, suddenly thinking of the horrible, unspeakable, and disgraceful ways her mother could have ended her own son's life. "I promise you Mintfoot. Petalstar will pay for this." She vowed, standing tall.

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