Chapter 6

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It was wasn't even dawn but the sky was still dark. Lilypetal sat patiently as she waited patiently. She slipped away from the nursery last night to find Robinstar staring up at the sky and requesting she talk with the cat she knew was her father.

The flowers rustled and a ticked ruddy tabby pelt made itself known. "Lilypetal... my precious kit." He purred, his eyes warm. They licked each other's ears. "Why did you want to talk to me? Your mother told me that she knew our kits wanted nothing to more to do with me after we went our separate ways." He shifted on his paws.

"Petalstar's gone moon mad. She threatened to kill me because..." the MagnoliaClan she-cat curled her claws until they began to collect dirt and feel like they were going to snap off her paws. "I know why she exiled Rowanfall, saying it was justice served." Her mew was bitter as she told the cat that was her father all of this.

Robinstar flicked his tail. "A brother killing a brother makes no sense.. I agree with your rage my daughter," his voice was deep but gentle. "I've watched you and your brother live your lives for moons but he would never murder, I know it." He rested his chin on her head.

The foliage rustled. Lilypetal turned to tell her father to run but he was gone. He left as quiet as a squirrel. Irisshiver trotted over to her. "Petalstar was wondering where you were," she meowed. "She said you weren't in the nursery." Her meow was soft, as she brushed her gray spotted tabby tail against her.

"I wanted to look at the stars as all." Lilypetal mewed lied. She hoped the young she-cat didn't know what she was saying wasn't true. Irisshiver tipped her head to one side. "I thought I heard another voice." Her amber eyes looked around.

"Of course you didn't. You must have bees stuck in your ears. Come on, we should get back to came before a patrol comes for us." The queen told her and they began slowly making their way back. So Robinstar believed too, that Rowanfall wouldn't kill Mintfoot. So what was with the patrols coming to attack them then leave? Probably his deputy Darkcloud. The HollowClan tom was ambitious and proud to the last cat, that was for sure, given how he never hesitated to fight for his Clan.

Oh StarClan.. wherever my brother is.. guide his paws..

* * * *

"Heatherpool, take a hunting patrol, be on the look out for HollowClan. You saw how Darkcloud was sneering at MagnoliaClan at the gathering." Petalstar told her deputy.

The black she-cat nodded her head. "Yes Petalstar." She meowed respectfully and went to the warrior's den.

"Can we play mama?" Chirped Beekit. Asterflower smiled down at her kits. "Alright be careful around camp kits." She replied and watched her four kits, two toms and two she-kits, bound out of the den, their stubby tails high as they all tumbled over each other.

"I bet you can't wait until your kits come Lilypetal," meowed Havennose, sitting beside the two queens. "Twigshade will be a proud father!" Her purr was filled with joy.

Lilypetal stared up at Petalstar, who looked at her blankly from where she perched herself on a rock, surrounded by petals, moss, and dandelion bits.

The great MagnoliaClan leader may have been able to fool two whole Clans, but not her. Not even Robinstar himself. He believed her.

"I caught this for you," Twigshade was in front of her, a juicy bird in his jaws. "And I plucked a few of the feathers off because I know they bother you." He purred, placing the piece of fresh-kill in front of his mate.

"StarClan help us all. It's all thanks to Rowanfall that we're in this mess." Starlingflight rumbled. Paleeye nodded beside him. "True! If he hadn't have killed Mintfoot, this wouldn't be happening!" He sniffed.

Mothfurl snorted as she washed her pelt. "What would this be exactly? Simpering HollowClan cats attacking us then turning tail? Ooh, I'm shaking in my pelt." She meowed in annoyance.

Lilypetal narrowed her yes at the two toms stuffing their faces with fresh-kill. "My brother is innocent.." she growled to herself. She was determined to prove it.

"Robinstar's grieving, so he's probably using his pain as motivation for them to attack." Rasped Thornback from beside Leafheart, who was resting.

"No leader is that powerful you bag of bones." Muttered her denmate in her slumber as she shifted.

"You're a bag of bones too thick-ears!" The tufty gray she-cat snapped.

"I hope Heatherpool comes back with decent hunting. I'm hungry for fresh prey." Paleeye complained staring at his claws, checking them for sharpness from time to time.

"Why don't you try it sometime, mouse-brain?" Fawnpelt snarked, licking her foreleg. Lilypetal went inside the nursery, not wanting to hear her Clanmates trade insults like kits. Lilypetal felt a strong scent waft over her. She turned to see Petalstar at the entrance of the den. "Good job." She mewed in her ear, slowly and delicately brushing her tail to her daughter's flank.

"So far." Her voice was flat as she turned and slowly left, her tail lashing and curling, almost looking like the form of an unsheathed claw.

Lilypetal's flanks weren't swollen with kits yet, but StarClan knows when they would be. She felt like a fox was looming, with Petalstar watching her, making sure she didn't reveal her secret information. "I need to talk to Twigshade." She decided seriously.

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