Chapter Two

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Nashi's Pov

Once my mom opened the door we saw three strange men. Two have marks one their arms of a wilting rose and the man had his picture on his hand. "Well Ms. Heartfillia. I didn't know you had let's cut things short." The two men grabbed me and Nash in a blink of an eye. They put knives to out throats so we couldn't do anything. "Who's the father. Now!" "The father is....Natsu Dragneel......" My mom said. Did she mean the Natsu Dragneel. Salamander. HES OUR DAD. And our mom is Lucy Heartfillia.....The let us go and my mom said something like " Open the gate of the Lion Loke!" And a man with a suit, orange hair and glasses came and hit the guys. "Lucy go now!" He yelled. She grabbed me and Nash while the men were distracted. " Star dress: Maiden!" She turned into a maid costume and dug a hole under her bed and put us in it. " Kids I want you do as I say. Go to some place called Magnolia and find a guild called Fariy Tail and find Natsu Dragneel. Nash take my keys guard them with your life. I love you two." She kissed out heads and went down stairs. We heard screams and whips snapping and a door slam. Once the noise went down Nash came out and so did I. I got behind him and he slowly creaked the door open. We saw everything a mess and blood stains in some places. We found a note that said,  Hey kids remember what I said, I have 800,000,000 jewel and some food and water pack all of it and some clothes. I love you.
Me and Nash packed and split the jewel so each of us has 400,000,000 jewel. We left our home. Our life. I held onto Nash's hand tightly. "Sis let's go find dad."

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