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"Sweetie Romeo and Juliet died at the end, I don't think you want to be like them." Mom gave me a wink before riding away leaving me there standing stunned and worst of al alone.

First day school better say first day HELL
"Chae you can do this, fighting." I mumbled to myself trying to make things better.... but who said it would work?

I did not even take two steps in the classroom and I hear a whistle followed by laughter.
Attention, I HATE it but sometimes we need it.

"Wait! Can you please help me?" I reached out to her and tugged her towards me. She looked at me shocked.
Rebel right? Wait till you hear what I said next.

"Let me copy your homework." I said making her cry....

JOKE this is what really happened "S-so can I maybe uhm copy your notes?" I asked her nervously.

I am a nervous and shy person, so what? its not like I'm clumsy or anything....

"Omo, I am so sorry."
"D-do you need help? Want me to bring you to the infirmary?"

Alright I am clumsy but it's part of my life. I need to live with it...

but sometimes things will get really hard to endure.

"It's the new kid."
"transfer loser!"
"I don't feel the same, sorry."

Yea life is hard but we are strong "Are we now friends?"

We are grateful
"My name is Jimin, Park Jimin."

We are ourselves
"My name is Kang Chaeyoung."

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