Chapter Two:

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I left the party with a strange sense of foreboding about that one boy. He had watched me all throughout the rest of the party. It was kinda creepy. I asked Suzy about him, but she said that she had no idea who I was talking about. After that I didn't see him anymore. 

James came to pick me up an hour late. I was the last one to leave the party and I was really mad. 

"What took you so freaking long!?" I asked as I got in the car. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you rather have not been picked up at all?" He asked, glaring at me. 

"Kinda..." I murmured.

"Alright then get out of the car!" He said pointing at the door.


"NOW!" I could see the hatred in his eyes, but If I had learned anything from all the action games I played, It's that you should always stand your ground. Turn the other cheek.

"No." I said defiantly. I immediately regretted it. He reached out and slapped me. I gasped and held my cheek as if it would keep the pain away. To my dismay I felt the sting almost instantly. I opened the car door and fell onto my knees, banging them on the concrete. He had hit me so hard that it had broken my skin. Blood smeared my hand. I heard the thrum of the car grow quieter as James drove away. Finally it disappeared, leaving me alone in the dark, silent streets. I cried into my hand, the salty tears mixing with the blood. 

Finally I began made my way to Suzy's house. James had brought me pretty far down the street, and with my head swarming with thoughts about everything that had just happened, it made the walk feel even longer. I was about half way there when I saw someone coming towards me. They walked slowly through the streets. I could see that it was a boy with stringy sandy-blond hair that stuck up on his head except for his bangs which were brushed over his right eye. He was tall and he wore a blue tee-shirt and black jeans. His shoes were a pair of black converse. 

"Looks like you need a hand," He said in a voice that seemed strangely familiar even though I was sure that I had never met him in my life before. 

"No, I'm fine," I protested, not warming up to the idea of getting help from a random stranger. He frowned at me, obviously seeing that I was, in fact, not fine. 

"Alright, if you say so..." He said shrugging. He began to turn away, but right as he did, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. Everything faded to black.


 Demyx's P.O.V.

She looked really beat up. At first I wasn't sure if she was the one that Xemnas had told me to spy on, but she definitely matched the description. Curly red hair and neon green eyes. I fidgeted with my hair, hating the way it drooped over into my eye. How could Zexion stand to only be able to see out of one eye!? How could ANYONE from this world stand to have their hair like this? I peered around the corner. She was close enough now. My job was to make sure that she didn't get too injured or else she wouldn't be much use to us when the time came to take her. I crept out from behind the house and began to walk towards her. I saw the look of surprise in her eyes as she noticed me, but I hoped she didn't see the look of nervousness in my eyes, even though it was obvious in the sweat that dripped down my forehead.  

C'mon Dem! You can do this! It's even okay to mess up a little. Everyone messes up sometimes. 

I coaxed myself to keep going, even though my mind screamed to turn around and go back. I was NOT a people person.

"Looks like you need a hand," I said, giving her the best smile I could despite my discomfort. 

So far so good...

"No, I'm fine," She insisted even though I could see from her scraped knees and her bloody face that she was clearly NOT fine.

"Alright, if you say so..." I shrugged and turned to walk away, but then behind me there was a thump and she had done a face plant into the cement. 

"Oh sure," I murmured to myself, "send the weakest member out to help the beat up, most likely about to faint subject." I was jealous of Axel. He was lucky. He was assigned to watch the boy, but what was there to watch with him? He was probably sleeping right now unlike my subject who had gone and gotten herself all scraped up.

I grumbled to myself as I slung the girl over my shoulder. Even though she was easily only one hundred pounds, I still winced as her weight shifted onto my shoulder. I opened a dark corridor and transported us to her house. We appeared in her room and I gently laid her onto her bed. With any luck she'd wake up and think it was all a dream. I waved my hand over her cheek and then her knees and instantly the blood and scrapes were gone. I sighed as I thought about what was going to happen tomorrow. It wasn't going to be a very good day for her.

"Good luck Kid..." I whispered as I opened another dark corridor and crept quietly inside, "you're gonna need it."


Koras P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed the next morning extremely tired and confused. I vividly remembered fainting in the middle of the street after being slapped by my brother and scraping my knees on the cement. There was no trace of any of that now. Had it all been a dream?

I sighed and stretched my arms. My stomach grumbled loudly and I realized that I was extremely hungry. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. James was sitting on the couch watching TV. He didn't even acknowledge me as I went into the cabinet and got out the box of pop-tarts. I opened a package and broke off a piece of it which I shoved into my mouth. My brother was watching C.S.I (which I hated) so I went back upstairs. I decided to play the second Kingdom Hearts today. I popped the game into the console and placed the first Kingdom Hearts back into its case. I switched on my TV and grabbed the controller. While I waited for it to load the menu screen I took another bite of my pop-tart. The menu came up and I finished my pop-tart as Dearly Beloved started playing. I listened to it for a minute before selecting Load Game and picking my highest file. I was on The Pridelands (my favorite world) and I was just about to defeat Scar. I watched the scene and right when the scene ended I pressed the attack button. Sora sprang into action. I was practically invincible as I attacked the Scar ghost and finished him off without letting my HP go down even the slightest bit. If only that could happen in real life.

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