It felt like heaven.

When lunch was finished, I looked at my watch.

"We have about fifteen minutes to get back to the office. Let's go." I dragged Yoongi out of the restaurant hastily after he had settled the bill.

As soon as we were out of the restaurant, we took the long way back to the office, courtesy of Min Yoongi who got distracted by a fluffy brown dog on the road that he wanted to follow.

"He looks exactly like my Min Holly!" he squealed like a child.

"Min Holly?"

"That''s my dog." he laughed, eyes not moving from the fluffy dog who was walking in front of him.

We walked through a park when Yoongi suddenly stopped. The dog ran the other way but he didn't follow it. Instead, he turned to face me.

"Hye Rin ah."


"Thank you for coming out with me for lunch today."

"You're, um, welcome?" I stood speechless at the sudden gentleman version of Yoongi standing in front of me.

He stood there for a while, then he walked up to me and wrapped me in a warm hug. The cold autumn wind just melted away and ceased to exist in that moment, his soft breath brushed against my neck and I found comfort and security standing in his arms.

Yoongi's P.O.V

She looked so adorable and clueless, standing in the middle of the grass. I had this urge to walk up to her and wrap her in my arms, I wanted to hold her, to feel her warmth.

But I couldn't do it...I would probably get rejected. I looked at her for a few good moments before deciding that I would just do it anyway. I was supposed to try to win her over, right?

But the office was so near, I was tempted not to take the extra 5 steps towards her to hug her...I was so sleepy, I could almost feel the warmth of my office chair around me already.

     Ah, Yoongi you were so smart when you chose that office chair over all the others, it was obviously the comfiest one. And the neck pillow from Incheon Mall...what a good idea.

I was lost in my fantasies when I suddenly remembered what I had meant to do. I took the 5 steps which were actually 5.5 steps and pulled her into my embrace, breathing steadily into the crook of her neck, warming my own face up.

"It was just me coming out for lunch with you...I didn't pay for the meal even." She laughed, but was clearly flustered so I let go.

"It means a lot to me, Park Hye Rin. Let's get back to the office so I can load more work onto your desk." I teased her.

"Do you have to?" she pouted and I laughed.

In that moment, it felt like we were more than just a boss and his PA. It felt like we were friends- no, more than friends. It was a sweet victory for me, although she had not admitted she liked it, or even reciprocated with a hug of her own, the fact that I had overcome the obstacle of walking 5.5 extra steps to give her a hug was a good enough accomplishment for me, one that I would relish until I saw a familiar figure walking on the street opposite from us.

Engrossed in her own hand phone, she walked like she owned the place. Looking at her and trying to describe how stuck up she looked was tiring somewhat, because without having to do that, just looking at the aura of overconfidence and complacence that wafted around her like a cloud, I already knew.

Lee Chaeyoung.

"Let's go before we get spotted." I grabbed Hye Rin by the wrist and walked hurriedly back to the company building.

She nodded and we hastened our steps, hoping to avoid Chaeyoung's gaze.

"Yoongi!" Crap. She had seen us.

"Run Hye Rin!" I shouted at Hye Rin, who instantly paced into a fast canter, I followed closely behind.

The clicking of her stripper stilettos were getting louder behind me, she was gaining on us.

And then suddenly, her hands were on my shoulders for a brief second.

Hye Rin was a much faster runner than I, even in her heels, she had already reached the building. I brushed Chaeyoung's cold hand from my shoulder and ran like never before.

I reached the office building, and I made sure I gave a yell to the security guards to stop the 'loony woman' on my heels. They gave an affirmative nod before letting me pass, I made it to the lift lobby and the last thing I caught sight of before the elevator doors closed was Chaeyoung crashing to the ground and ripping her horrifically tight dress right down her ass. I wanted to laugh but by the time I reached the 50th floor, all I could do was stumble before falling to the ground in a mess.

"Yoongi!" Hye Rin's voice was the last thing I heard before darkness descended on me.

Arrogance , and you . | Min Yoongi [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon