Chapter 19 - "Do you trust me?"

Start from the beginning

 "Harry no--get off me!"

 "What the hell, why are you guys so stubborn? I'm tired of trying to convince you, I just want you to be safe." His deep voice rumbled with anger.

 I looked him straight in the eye and fought back."I know, I know that you do, but I also want the same for you and I'm not leaving here until I make sure you're fine as well."

 After a very long time, I saw a slow smirk appear on his face and I finally saw that dimple. "There's the dimple I love."

 He chuckled and picked me up carefully. "Come on, we're not done here yet." He looked behind me and gave me a nudge where I went tumbling backwards and into someone's arms; Zayn's.

 I was so relieved to see he hardly had any injuries. "Are you alright?" He asked looking all over me the same way I was looking at him, to check if I had any injuries.

 "Yeah, I'm fine." And just as I responded, we heard shouting.

 "ENOUGH! THAT'S ENOUGH!" And a gun shooting up in the air created complete and utter silence through the room.

 Rick was drenched in sweat and he looked like a mad man. "I've had enough of all of you, playing around here and with us like this is some GAME? I COULD CARE LESS WHAT HAPPENS TO ANY ONE OF YOU. I KILL PEOPLE FOR A LIVING. DO YOU ALL NOT UNDERSTAND HOW SIMPLE IT IS FOR ME TO TAKE THIS GUN AND SHOOT A BULLET INTO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOUR LITTLE HEARTS HUH? IT WAS ALL FUN AND GAMES EARLIER BUT NOW IM PISSED OFF," he then licked his lips for a few milliseconds and locked eyes with none other than me. " And the first one to take this bullet through their thick ass hearts, is goin to be my darling over here."  

He finished with a smirk and he pointed the gun, directly at me. Zayn quickly pushed me behind him.

 "No you're not. Rick we had a deal. We gave you your money for Annie and now that we have her, just let us go. We have no interest in contacting the police or letting anyone know of your whereabouts. Just let us go." As he spoke, his voice got stronger and more demanding. After he had finished, Zayn put his hands up in defense.

 Rick blew his wet hair out of his face and chuckled hysterically. He slumped forward and limped towards us. "Aw sweetheart, as much as I trust the child of my enemy, I'm not going to be able to take your word on that. You've all seen too much, and you know too much. I have a special bond with Annie, that I've never ever felt towards any of the other people I have ever kidnapped. I'm actually fuming with jealousy to see you that close to her." I squeezed Zayn's arm and hand and he squeezed back, assuring me that he was right here. "So, it's going to be a little hard for me to let her go with you. Because of that, I'm going to have to kill her so that she's with no one else." I gasped quietly. I looked next to me and Harry and Niall were pinned back by Rick's last two guys left standing.

 "And how are you so sure that after you kill her we're not going to go straight to the police?" Zayn paused and the next time he opened his mouth he practically growled the words. "If that happens just so you know we will go directly to the police and get your ass in prison."

 Rick chuckled again. "Oh I won't even care anymore if you do. I'm tired of doing this stupid stuff anyways, I'll be free of this and no one else will have Annie. My life will never have been better." He got the gun ready and I knew it was about to happen. I had my eyes shut the entire time, but I slowly opened them to see what was going on now. But before I looked towards Rick, my eyes fell on a gun next to me lying on the floor. It was as if my brain had blurred out the scene going on right in front of me. Zayn and Rick were still arguing and all I could focus on was the gun right in front of me. I slowly slipped out of Zayns grasp, as slow as possible to make sure it wasn't obvious to Rick what I was doing and even Zayn wasn't paying attention. I reached my leg over to hopefully bring the gun close to me. My brain finally clued back into what was going on.

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