Chapter 19 - "Do you trust me?"

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I was squeezing Zayn's hand so tightly I lost feeling in my own fingers. I wasn't quite sure what was about to take place any second now, but I just stared straight ahead of me watching Rick slowly struggling to get up. It took him quite the effort to do it but he finally had and now he was making his way towards us. Zayn wanted us to fight and I had no idea how in the hell that was going to work. Out of nowhere I saw a fist fly in my direction but at the same time I saw Zayn's arm go up to push it back.

 "You son of a bitch, you need to learn to stop getting in the way, just like your father did." Rick spat in Zayn's face and shoved him to the ground.

 Zayn jumped back up immediately and tackled Rick back to the ground with his hands grasped tightly around Rick's neck. Just then, Rick's men crowded around us and pulled us each in a different direction.

 I was separated from the group and pulled into the arms of a stranger, strangling my throat. I was choking and desperately trying to get out of the headlock I was in. I started clawing at his hands with my nails but to no avail. I quickly saw Niall's head being shoved to the ground from my peripheral vision and I have never been angrier. I shoved my elbow into the guys nuts to where he finally let go of me, and I twisted his arm back  while giving him one more good kick in the nuts. I stood there for a minute staring down at my hands appalled at my surprising abilities, but then I finally ran to Niall to make sure he was okay.

 The guy who had pummelled Niall to the ground had moved on to attack Harry but I was sure Harry was able to take care of that after all his trained boxing. Niall stayed on the ground and I immediately knew something was wrong.

 "Niall, oh my god Niall." I gasped but tried hard not to react too startled so I wouldn't scare him. The guy had completely busted his nose and Niall's nose was gushing blood. His eyes were shut tight from the pain I could only imagine he was going through.

 "Here, it's okay, hold this up to your nose." I quickly ripped the bottom part of my already torn t-shirt and I pressed it against Niall's nose. He flinched from the pain.

 "Ah, it stings so bad." He whispered quietly.

 "I know I'm sorry. You don't have to fight anymore, Zayn Harry and I can take care of this. The guy really busted your nose Niall. You have a chance, just quickly run for it and get into the car you came in."

 "What? What, Annie do you really think I'm that weak? I'm not leaving you guys here."

 "Niall I'm serious right now don't argue with me. You can barely keep your eye open from the pain so go now! We don't have time."

 I noticed Niall's eyes widen and he reached over as if he were about to attack me, but I ducked and realized he was actually reaching behind me. He pulled the stick out of the guy's hand who was attempting to hit me and Niall beat him with it instead. When the guy was on the ground Niall grabbed my arm and forced me to look at him. "I'm not leaving. Now go." He got up quickly and ran to finish the guy off. In that moment I truly realized how blessed I was to have friends like them. To stay with me 'till the end. I always hated on my own life, of how unfortunate I was to be living a life where my dead dad had given me a future filled with misery. But it wasn't, I had these guys so how would it ever be?

 "Annie look out!" And I knew I shouldn't have been day dreaming that long. I felt something hard whip at my head and I fell to the ground throbbing in pain. I opened and closed my eyes to make sure that I wouldn't pass out.

 "Annie, you dumbass what were you doing?!"

 I could hardly see anything but I knew that had to be Harry.

 "Ah sorry, please help me up."

 "No I'm going to get you out of here now, Zayn Niall and I are going to take care of this."

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