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Jade Lloyd

I'm so super nervous to start my first day at Flagstaff College (made up) tomorrow Monday morning, am I happy about it? No, not really. I am
always judged because of my image. I'm the 'goody-goody' known around the town.
It sucks because I just moved to this town in the summer time and people are
already judging me by one look at me. I hated that about many people. But other then that, I'm loving it around here. My dad has been promoted over here and our house wasn't big but it is enough.

We live about 20 minutes away from my school, I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, school starts at 7:00 am. Getting ready for me takes ten minutes, so that's now 5:40 am, I get at school at 6:00 am which is now an hour early at school. In that hour, I can look around and see where all my classes are, that will probably take me half an hour since I got a map, so that now leaves me to 30 minutes until my first class starts. That, my friend, is what I call Morning math......yeah, I know it's lame but it keeps me on track.

Now, what to wear? Let's see, it's cold out side, but the sun is showing since it's mid day, but it's not snowing yet, maybe black leggings under my favorite pair of jeans, two black undershirts, a maroon sweatshirt and my pair of black boots I got last week, perfect. "Jaaaade, can you come down for a sec?" I heard my dad call me. "Coming!" I put down my boots and went downstairs.
"Dad?" I looked around and spin slowly. "In my office." And that's where I went.
"Yes, dad?" He looked up from his laptop. "Ah, honey, here." He hands me forty dollars.
"There's the money I owe you from the gas money you gave me on the ride up here and extra twenty since I need you to run to the store for me really quick."

"Okay, I'll go get ready and you can text me what I need to get." I smiled at him. "Yes, it can be faster and easier." I nodded at him and went up to get ready. All I needed was my sweater and my other boots. I grabbed my car keys and my phone from the charger, went downstairs, said bye to my dad and entered my car. The town is 15 minutes away, my gas tank is filled all the way, I am good to go. I pulled out of the little neighborhood and drove off. Half way to the store, I heard my phone go off, telling me my father had
messaged me.

I needed to get eggs, milk, frozen chicken, rice, so on and so forth. I parked my car not exactly near the entrance but it was close enough. I turned off my car and got my phone from the aux cord. Then I hear a loud car roaring, I looked up and it was like time froze up. In my mind, he was moving so slowly and amazing. He looked like he stepped out of a tattoo bad boy magazine. He parked his car and got out of it and looked around until his eyes met mine. I snapped out of it and blinked a couple of times, started my car and left the parking place. Oh my, that has never happened to me before. He looked so amazing. No, stop it Jade, you cannot think like that.

I had found another store, quickly shut off my car, got my keys, phone and locked my car to enter the store. I grabbed a basket and grabbed everything I needed. I went up front and waited in line. Once I paid, I went back to my car, I put the stuff to the side, turned on my car and plugged in my phone. Once I found a song I was in the mood for,
I looked up and saw the same guy from before. I didn't even hear his loud car like earlier. He smirked at me and winked. I didn't know what to do so I drove off. That was scary, I shook off the shivers and focus on going home.


Please do not steal, these ideas are coming from
my mind when I'm still awake past midnight.
I would really hate to report a story that copies ideas
or a story word per word. ☺️

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