Chapter 10: The Things you Do

Começar do início

"Ethan, not to be rude or anything, but I honestly don't want to hear about the manor's backstory. I want to hear about you. Your the only person I don't know really." I noticed his eyebrows raise a tad, as if he was surprised I would ask that.

"Well I-um, I'm Ethan, I'm 5'8, and it still looks like I'm going through puberty." He giggled for the first time, showing some emotion. For some odd reason, I loved his laugh.

"Okay," I laughed, "But how did you become friends with Mark?" He smiled, which I couldn't help but to think was adorable.

"Well I've always admired Mark as entertainer. He actually inspired me to become one myself," he smiled proud of himself, "Anyway, so he found out about me and we became friends. I help with his entertaining career also."

I nodded, finding the fact that Ethan admired Mark and his career before becoming his actually friend interesting.

I realized we were back at the manor, at the back door of course. Ethan opened it for me and showed me into the small hallway.

"Here we have four rooms. You already been in Jack's office,"

he pointed to the room I was in earlier,

"and here's Jacks room."

he pointed to the room next to it.

"We also have Mark's office,"

he pointed to the room across Jack's office,

"and his bedroom as well."

he pointed to the room next to Mark's office.

He lead me out of the small hallway into the main room, the one I entered in the first place.

"On this side is the dining room," he pointed to where I ate earlier with Mark.

"This side is the living room," he pointed to the opposite direction of the dining room.

"I'll show you the dining room direction before the living room." He leaded me into the dining room, even though I already seen it.

He then leaded me into the room connected to the dining room, the kitchen. Which of course, was huge. There was a bathroom, and other rooms too.

He then took me back out to the main room, leading me into the living room. The living room was huge of course, filling probably around a hundred of people. Ethan looked back at me, pleased that I was interested in viewing the manor.

"Here, let me show you something." He went to grab my hand, but then he hesitated back as if he realized it wasn't 'appropriate.'

Instead he waved me on, to follow him of course. I followed him into the room connected to the living room. I gazed in amazement of what just hit my eyes.

'A library!'

I turned in a circle, my eyes looking at every book shelf there was in the large room.

" you like it?" I looked back at Ethan, he seemed unsure whether or not I liked it.

"Like it? Like it! I LOVE it!"

Ethan laughs at my reaction, which for some reason made my face heat up, but not in a embarrassed way.

"Here, we-I mean you can spend more time in here later, but we still have more of the tour."

He started running out of the library, and up the stairs, by which I am assuming by the noises.

"Ethan!" I yell, laughing.

There was no point in yelling though. He couldn't hear me.

I ran out after him, which I could see a tense of his brown hair bobbing upstairs. I ran up, probably the fastest I have ever on a staircase. I finally got to the top, knocking myself into Ethan.

Glad I didn't fall that would of been embarrassing, I thought to myself.

"Okay so now that your finally upstairs," he giggled, "I will show you around. Most of these rooms are just bedrooms, and guest bedrooms. Mine is on the other side of the 'balcony' room."

Also known as the room I passed out in.

"And Tyler's, Kathryn, and...Amy's are up here too." I remembered Felix was only a guest, he didn't live here.

"Three of the guest bedrooms are to Bob, Wade, and Felix though because they don't actually live here. They have just been staying here for a while."

Okay, so technically only Tyler, Kathryn, Ethan lived upstairs.

Wait...didn't he say Amy was upstairs? I thought she slept with Mark.'

"Wait Amy doesn't sleep downstairs with Mark?"

He sighs, and pauses for a moment as if he needs to think of how to explain.

"Well they used to sleep together. The past month she's been sleeping in her original room of when she first came here. I'm not sure what's wrong, I have been to scared to ask ether." I sigh in response, I saw that coming.

Ethan quickly changes the subject though, "So uh- I'm assuming you already saw your room."

I laugh, "Is that a question?"

"Uh no-" suddenly I take off, in my room of course. I didn't have to go far though, we were right next to my bedroom. Ethan is chasing after me, but when I turn back he is standing at my door frame.

"Come on in Ethan." I say, maybe he didn't want to be rude.

"No uh- it's fine. Good night

And suddenly, I take off once more, but this time to climb out my window, onto the roof. Before I could even step on the roof, I hear a concerned, yet laughing Ethan chasing after me now yelling,

"(Y/N), the things you do I swear."

Welcome to the Markiplier Manor!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora