Part 2

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"Happy Birthday, Y/N!"

You were barely able to hear the voice through your headphones, and you put down Debussy for a moment to see who was approaching. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook came to sit beside you and smiled. You grinned in return.

"Thanks. But my birthday isn't until tomorrow."

"We know," Jimin commented, "But there's also no school tomorrow. We might as well take the opportunity to tell you here while we can."

"Of course we'll be telling you at home, too," Jungkook interjected.

"Right," Taehyung nodded. "We plan on spending the entire day spoiling you, so everyone knows it's your birthday."

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were the youngest three of the seven brothers, and had faces youthful enough to pass as high school students, so every few years they entered a different high school in the area and molded themselves into normal human society. They weren't the only ones who found extracurricular activities outside the house. Seokjin worked as a chef, although human food was not a form of sustenance for vampires they could still eat it, and he was always fascinated by the art of food that humans had developed. Hoseok and Namjoon attended university, Hoseok as a dance major and Namjoon in literature. Even Yoongi left to travel every now and then, going to see musicians from all over the world perform. They all had to find different locations for their pastimes every few years, which sounded exhausting to you. When you were younger you asked your mother why they went through all the trouble if they had to constantly move around like that. She'd said that it was a way for them to stay sane in their immortal state. If they remained in the house all day they would go crazy with boredom. At this age, you understood. The manor was home, and you found great comfort in it, but you couldn't imagine spending your entire life, even the short human one you had, cooped up in its walls.

"I wish you wouldn't," you pleaded. "You know that I'm not very keen on a lot of extra attention."

Jungkook chuckled. "We know. But it won't be that bad, we promise. Just a little attention, for your special day."

"You definitely inherited your avoidance of people from Yoongi," Taehyung joked.

You laughed at that. "Please. Is it inheriting if he's not even family?"

"Of course he is," Jimin argued. "We all are."

The comment made you smile. It was true that the bond between your two families over the years was somewhat mixed, different members of her family formulating their own opinions about being personal food banks to seven immortal beings. Your mother remained fairly neutral to the situation, but your grandmother (when she had been alive) as well as your two uncles, both with their own families and their own houses, held an air of distaste to their situation. They'd always said as much when they visited for their weekly feedings, and thought the seven weren't listening. She knew better. Years spent in close proximity with your teacher, Yoongi, had taught you a lot about their nature. They heard everything. You were constantly amazed at their ability to be kind despite it all. They were all kind. The three youngest had always played with you as a young girl and adjusted to your changing maturity as you grew older. Seokjin taught you recipes here and there, Namjoon helped you study, and Hoseok was always there to make you feel better when you were sad. Even Yoongi, with his cold demeanor and strict teaching policies, never spoke an unkind word to you. You could feel the warmth he held for you, just the way a teacher would for a years-long pupil. You were definitely closest with the boys out of all the members of your family. The seven of them might as well be family to you, too.

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