Chapter Two: Awful Goodbyes

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"So you going to tell me what the hell that just was?" I said to Sam as we sat in silence inside a holding cell as we watched in fear hoping that the passed out teenage boy won't wake up anytime soon

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"So you going to tell me what the hell that just was?" I said to Sam as we sat in silence inside a holding cell as we watched in fear hoping that the passed out teenage boy won't wake up anytime soon. I looked over to Sam waiting for his answer. I could tell he was trying to figure out a way to tell me what just happened but just couldn't.

"Well, you see—" He started before the teenage boy woke up and whipped his body around and stared at me and Sam with his eyes glowing the same goldish colour as before. "Woah woah woah, easy easy easy. It's okay, it's okay, you're okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Sam rambled in obvious fear of what the teenage boy was cable of.

"Technically you already hurt him." I spoke up awkwardly as I swung my legs up above the bench I was currently sitting on in fear of the teenage boy. Sam looked at me annoyed that of what I just said I shrugged not knowing what he wanted me to do.

"Yes, I did. I-I'm sorry." Sam stuttered out in fear. The boy continued staring at us with his glowing eyes, I could tell he was calming down a bit. "I was just trying to slow you down." Sam stated holding his hands up trying to calm the teen down more. He then continued to try and make a sentence but it just ended up sounding like a bunch of 'yous' so I spoke up.

"Are you alright?" I stated evenly to the boy as I stood up taking a small step to the boy trying to show him that I wasn't scared of him and he shouldn't be scared of me. The boy looked down for a second and then back up at us.

"I..don't.. I was scared and when I get scared things happen. I can't stop them." The boy answered as his glowing eyes slowly faded back to his natural colour of blue. My heart almost ached for the teenage boy. All he was, was scared.

Sam's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why were you scared?" He asks hesitantly as he adjusted himself in his seat and I took a couple steps back into my seat, I put my back against the wall and crossed my legs because it seemed to be the only comfortable sitting position you could do in a jail cell.

"Because of the voices. They were so loud, so angry."

"Do you hear them right now?" I asked hoping the teen would say no. I would hate to see how scared this special teen could get. He was almost like an x-men's character, but cuter. Jack shook his head before standing up carefully and slowly. "Good." I said with a small smile nodding my head at the teen.  Sam nodded at me with agreement before letting out an almost sigh of relief with a small nervous laugh.

Sam and I both jumped when the teen stepped over the bench he was previously sleeping on, he took a look at my sitting position before copying my motions and sitting crossed legged as well. A smile crept onto my face at how he copied me but it quickly faded as he looked down, which scared me of what might be doing on inside his head.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Sam and I said simultaneously in shock for the second time today. Who would've thought that the son of 'satan' as Dean said would be possible to show emotions, guilt or remorse. If I'm being honest, at least he's further along in guilt than Dean is, and Dean's like 50.

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