6- Lost girls

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Dear Diary
I told Stefan how I felt about everything yesterday and he kissed me. I'm not sure where we stand, but I'm scared of how Elena will react. I don't care to much though, for the first time in a while, I feel happy.

I placed my journal back on the side table and smiled to myself. I took a shower. I put on black jeans, a red top and black vans. Elena told me that she was going to meet up with Stefan to talk at a café and talk about everything, I didn't want to be in the middle and revisit the lesson so I drove to the boarding house to wait for Stefan.

I noticed that the door was open slightly so I walked in to overhear Damon on the phone leaving Stefan a voicemail. I watched him pour himself a glass of bourbon and continue moaning on the phone about his daylight ring.

"No, don't bleed on the couch", I heard Damon say which made me worried.

"Damon?", I asked as I walked up to him crouched next to the couch. "Oh my gosh, Vickie?", I say shocked.

I ran up to her as Damon bit his wrist and Vickie swallowed it willingly like the druggie she is.

I gasped slightly and pulled Damon back. "What did you do?", I asked with anger raising in my voice.

"She's a fighter, so I took her with me to have a little fun", he said emotionlessly. I crossed my arms and huffed as he mocked me by doing the same.

"You are not going to hurt her!", I demanded Damon.

He scoffed and laughed, "I'll do what I want", he stated and I nudged him to warn him. "If you don't like it, then leave", he told me.

"Fine.", I stated, "I will", I said before turning around. Before I could walk away he spead infront of me and stopped me. "Move, Damon", I told him and crossed my arms again.

"No", he said sarcastically, "have a drink with me", he told me.

"I don't drink anymore", I told him and he raised his eyebrow at me cockily.

"Why not? It's better, just one little sip", he tried to persuade me.

I shook my head and he sighed. He turned back to Vickie and fead her more blood as I watched. "What does vampire blood taste like?", I asked, curiousity getting the best of me.

"My blood is delicious", he said and enlarged his eyes. I scoffed.

"I doubt that", I said. He walked up to me and bit his wrist.

"Want a taste?", He asked and waves his bleeding wrist about.

I stared at it for a second and then backed up at him, "no thanks", I said before turning away and leaving just before Vickie woke up again.

I entered my house and slumped onto the couch and put on Netflix with my favourite binge food. After watching a couple episodes, I went up stairs to get something warmer on and came back down to be met by an unusual scene.

"Vickie? Matt?", I asked as I watched Jeremy and Matt crouch next to Vickie as she threw the food down her throat like I did when watching Netflix. She held her gums in pain.

"My gums. There's something in them. They hurt Mattie", she complained as I got closer to her. I remembered that Damon fed Vickie some blood which I assumed is the reason why she's acting different.

I picked up my phone and called Stefan as Elena came to the scene. "What's happening?", She asked me in whisper.

"I don't know", I said worried.

Elena and Jeremy watched the news on the TV and stated that Jeremy and Vickie were at the cemetery last night when her friends were killed.

Stefan barged in and embraces me in a hug. Elena looks down in discomfort. "Stefan, something's wrong with Vickie, she was with Damon", I told him with concern.

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