
632 39 14

"So where'd you go last night?"

Aera asked, not taking her eyes off her food, and thank god she didn't or else she would've seen my flushed face.

'Nowhere' I slipped my notepad in front of her while trying to keep my cool and keep eating.

"Hey!" Suddenly jimin slides next to me with a wide grin on his face. Taehyung trailed behind him and sat across from me.

We secretly smiled at each other.

"What's up with you two?" Jimin asks suspiciously while eyeing the both of us.

"Nothing" taehyung says nonchalantly as he looks down to eat his food.

Jimin continues to eye us but we pay no attention to him. Aera starts going on about her day and it makes me smile. Aera used to be really shy and awkward but I'm glad she's gotten out of her shell now.

She's actually really loud, and talkative, like really talkative. I smile and nod as she continues talking until I felt my pocket vibrate.

I cleaned up my tray and got up. Everyone's eyes shifted onto me and I waved them away, telling them it's okay.


I quickly scurried away and hid somewhere where there were no students. I got my phone out and answered it.

"Mum?! Why are you calling me in the middle of school"

"I have something important to tell you so come home right away"

I gulped feeling my stomach drop. "Already? But it's only been a month?" I felt my voice crack as I tried to plead with her.

"Something came up, I'm sorry sweetie" she sighs on the other side. I try to open my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"(Y/n) there you are! You left your-"

My eyes widened before quickly putting the phone behind my back. My heart raced as her eyes shifted from my face to my hands.

"(Y/n)? Hello? What happened?"

I froze hearing her voice coming from my phone behind me. I closed my eyes and cursed silently to myself.

"Are you.... talking on the phone...?" She looked at me confused and I looked away.

God damn it mum.

I take from behind my back and hang up. Aera's eyes widened. "Wh-what? I don't understand- you- you can talk?"

"....hi?" I say awkwardly, a little conscious of what she would think of my voice.


I run up and practically tackle her as I put my hand over her mouth.

"SHHH" I slap her arm and she shouts against my hand. I let go of her slowly and moved away. We stared at each other completely frozen as awkward silence filled the air.

Oh god this is suffocating.

"P-please say something"

"I should be the one saying that" Aera looked at me still stunned. "How could you hide the fact that you talked?? Why would you even do that?!"

I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the rooftop. I looked around making sure no one else was here. Suddenly she grabs my arms and starts shaking me.

"How could you not tell me?!? Why would you hide your beautiful voice?!!"

I blushed at her unexpected compliment before looking away.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I'm so quiet that people always assume I'm mute so this time I decided to just play along"

I felt aera burn a whole through my face. Gosh this was worse than being caught red handed at midnight while trying to stuff your face with cake.

I squirmed uncomfortably and she finally let go of me. "Sorry, I'm just overwhelmed. I can't believe my best friend can talk"

"I'm your... best friend?" My eyes twinkled as I questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course you are idiot" she pulled me into a tight hug and I felt a smile slip onto my face as I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry for lying. I didn't mean for it to go on for so long"

"It's okay, I'm sure you have you reasons. Are you like traumatised maybe?"

I shake my head and she punches me. "Never mind, not forgiven"

I rubbed my arm and scrunches up my face from the pain. I only realised then that I had gotten so used to holding my voice back that I forgot to yelp.

"So you literally just did it cause you were awkward"

"Well I didn't expect people to actually believe me"

"Wha- of course people would believe you, you didn't talk how could we not" I chuckled awkwardly and she continued to glare at me. "Ugh, I hate you. I can't believe you made my life so hard having to read all of your notes when you could've just talked"

"Hey! How about me?! I had to write everything I said. My hands would be dead by the end of the day" I whined and she laughs. After staring at her for a while I finally let my laugh out.

She gasps and I stop. "You have a beautiful laugh"

"Stop" I blushed and punched her arm. "What are you my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend.... boyfriend?!? TAEHYUNG! What are you going to say to taehyung when he finds out"

"Why'd you connect taehyung and boyfriend together? He's not my boyfriend" I laughed shyly as I looked down.

"Is that seriously all you heard? Hello?? Taehyung is going to find about you someday, what're you going to say??"

"I don't know. But I don't think I have to worry about it..." my gaze falls to the ground as my heart felt heavy.

"What why?"

"I'm moving again"

WOW IM ALIVE. THIS BOOK IS ALIVE. Is anyone even reading anymore lol I'm sorry
So like literally none of that made sense but I'm just trying to update here okay I'm sorry ;-;
Thank you for staying ;; I promise I don't write cringe-ly anymore haha

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