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I start screaming for help, with my eyes of course. He laughs and pulls me into a hug, which causes me to panic even more.

"Shhh it's okay"

He pats my back and I tried to slow down my breathing. The ride started going backwards and we came back down to the ground eventually.

We're alive!

Taehyung POV

"Do you have any idea where Jimin could take (y/n)?"

She asks me with an urgent look on her face. It looked like she was on a mission to save the queen or something.

"Calm down. But yea I do have an idea"

"Good! Where?"

Before I could answer she calls a taxi and we're in it the next second.

"Where you going?"

The driver asks us and Aera eyes me.

"Um.. amusement park"

He drives off and we get stuck in traffic. Aera leans over to the driver.

"I'm sorry mister but could you please drive faster, we're in a hurry"

"I would if all these cars weren't blocking me"

Aera clicks her tongue and slumps back on her seat in defeat. She sighs.

"Chill, were not going to die if we don't get there"

"Yea we won't, we'll just be unhappy"

She crosses her arms and looks out the window.

"Why are you so desperate to help me anyways, we've only known each other for a couple of weeks"

"I'm not trying to help YOU, I'm trying to help (y/n), I... don't like that Jimin guy. And from the conversation they had earlier at the cafe I just know he's going in for the kiss straight away"

"But jimin's not that type of guy"

"Well he will be for her"

My eyes widen and I suddenly became angry at the sight of them kissing.


"Aight chill we here already"


I shrink on my chair and Aera snickers at me.


She drags me inside the park and we start looking around. I spot the Ferris wheel.

"There! He might take her there"

She nods and we both start running towards the ride. Breathless, we look up and try to spot them.


Aera shouts and we run towards the gate. We both get in without a second thought and the guy locks us inside.

We sit in silence for a while.

"Wait... why'd we get on..."


I groan and put my head into my hand.

"No it's okay, I'm a certified actor"

"Are you actually?"

"No but anyways, I'll scream and pretend to have a panic attack and they'll stop the ride right?"

I look at her weirdly.

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