Magic Is Not Evil

Start from the beginning

Merlin blinked in surprise. The smiled slightly, "Then then what about we don't enchant the table but maybe one of the goblets. It works for a radius of about 20 feet so it should be fine." 

Arthur grinned, "And if he does say anything that incriminates him?"

"I'm sure the knights would be more than happy to show him around the dungeons?"

Arthur sighed, "This is one of the times I'm really glad your my friend and not my enemy."

Merlin smirked, "Because you can't take care of yourself?"

"Shut up Merlin."


When the round table reconvened Arthur sent Merlin away telling him to, "sort the papers he'd left on his desk."

Merlin only walked out of the door, which was unguarded per Arthur's orders, and cast the invisibility spell and slipped right back into the room. He quietly made his way back to Arthur's chair and quietly spoke the spell to enchant the king's already gold cup, which the king had been instructed not to drink from.

He let his magic brush against Arthur's mind to alert the king of his presence before whispering in the king's ear, "Ready."

He leaned against the king's high backed chair, not worried about alerting the man next to him to his presence, it was Lancelot.

"Uncle, what do you think on this matter?" Arthur asked. For a prat he had an excellent poker face and the question seemed totally reasonable.

Agravain's response was not. He went on a tirade about how Arthur was a fool and that he did not deserve to be king if he was only going to upset the balance of power before shutting his mouth in surprise. "What? What did?" He was stunned.

Arthur leaned forward, "You see, some of my friends warned me that you might be after the crown and that you would possibly be willing to kill me if it meant getting what you wanted and so I asked one of them to cast a spell on one of the items in this room to force all those here to speak the truth. So tell me is this true."

"Yes." The man blurted out and then clapped a hand over his mouth in astonishment. Arthur sighed sadly. "Elyan and Percival, would you mind escorting my uncle to the dungeons please?"

Both knights blinked in confusion then smiled, "Of course my Lord." They took Agravain by each arm and guided him out the doors.

The rest of the table stared at Arthur in surprise and Merlin let the spell dissipated before leaning forward to whisper into the king's ear, "I ended the spell."

The king didn't even flinch and looked around the table. One of his advisors spoke first, "My lord, you really should ha e told us you were planning that."

Arthur bowed his head, "My apologies. I was not aware of Agravain's treachery until after this morning's meeting."

Another of the advisors leaded forward, "Who was it that cast the spell?"

Arthur felt Merlin's magic stir around him nervously. "You have heard to the Sorcercer Emrys?"

"The one that the druids speak of?"

"Yes. He's been helping Camelot for some time and brought Agravain's plans to my attention."

Merlin let a hand rest on Arthur's shoulder and gave a slight squeeze in thanks. Arthur shifted slightly but other than that he didn't respond to the touch.

"My Lord, it is good that we have one sorcerer already working with us but what of Morgana? We do not know how she will react to the change."

Arthur smiled, "I started speaking with Morgana several months ago about this. Between her and Emrys we were able to devise a set of laws that would conduct the use of magic in the kingdom."

Gaius smiled slightly, "I'm guessing that they are very similar to the old laws that state that if you wrong another with magic you must be punished."

Arthur nodded, "But not killed." He smiled, "My sister has been away from home far to long. She agreed that she would like to come home in a peaceful manner and not a bloody one. She's willing to work with us in anyway that she can."

The advisors nodded, "Then, if you would allow us my Lord, we should look over these laws that you've made and make sure there are no loop holes that could be exploited.

Arthur smiled and handed a copy to the laws to the head advisor. "Thank you." He stood, "We will reconvene tomorrow evening. Until then, attend to your duties and have a good day."

Merlin followed the king put the door quickly and as soon as he was sure that he was the only one around he let the spell drop and became visible once more. "Well that was interesting."

The king spun around to face the warlock. "I could tell where you were the whole time."

Merlin nodded, "I didn't want to startle you. So yeah, I made sure you knew where I was."

The king nodded and they set off once more to the king's chambers where Merlin prepared Arthur for bed and went to the kitchen to get dinner for both of them, which had become a habit of theirs.

When the warlock came back in with two trays he found Arthur sitting at the table finishing a letter. He folded it and held it up for Merlin to see, "Can you get this to Morgana?"

Merlin rolled his eyes, there was no please but at least it had been phrased as a question and not an order. He snapped his fingers and the paper disappeared from Arthur's fingers. Merlin had used the spell so much that it was second nature and didn't even require words.

Arthur blinked in surprise and rolled his eyes as Merlin set his food down in front of him and then sat down across from him. Arthur frowned at Merlin, "Okay. That's it. What's wrong?"

Merlin blinked in surprise, "What's what sire?"

"You keep moving stiffly. Like your in pain, all day."

Merlin shook his head, "I'm fine sire."

"Merlin did you know every time you try to lie when I ask a question you say sire. It's the only time you address me properly."

Merlin frowned at King. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Out with it Merlin."

"I'm telling you sire-" He cut himself off. "Wow. I didn't even notice until you said something."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "What wrong?"

Merlin sighed, "You remember the hunting trip we went on and we got attacked?"

Arthur nodded, it had been last week, Arthur had wanted time away after his father's death.

"One of the men gave me a pretty good gash in the side as a parting gift." Merlin said rubbing his side slightly and wincing in pain.

Arthur frowned, "How didn't I notice."

Merlin shrugged, "I put my jacket over it."

Arthur sighed, "You idiot. Tell me next time would you?" The warlock nodded and they began to eat, talking about what tomorrow would bring.

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