Chapter Fifteen

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A week or so later, Alex's ex Iya, hasn't shown up what so ever, but it was the day of the Asking Alexandria concert for Zoey and Candace. Alex and the boys stayed at the house and partied their selves.

"You excited?!?" I asked Zoey as we pulled up to the War Memorial in Nashville.

She smiled and got excited.

Same as Candace.

From being to the venue so many times, we got to go in early. They knew me and knew I would stay out of the way. Plus apparently Alex done some talking to the AA boys and they allowed it.

"This is beyond fucking cool." Brandy said as she sat against the stage.

"Aw! How cute!" Danny said walking out in the stage and looking at Zoey and Candace.

Zoey a eyes lit up.

Ben came walking out behind Danny with a smile.

Candace's face lit up now.

Lizzy and I both just laughed.

Danny looked at me and smiled, then knelt down to Zoey, "your just adorable in that little leather jacket."

"Thank you." Zoey said with a smile as she looked at the ground.

Yupp, just like me.

"Yours?" Danny asked me.

I nodded my head.

"May I pick her up?" He asked.

I nodded my head again.

Danny picked her up and smiled, "how old are you?"

Zoey held up three fingers.

Danny looked at me shocked then back at Zoey, "I don't believe it. Your mom looks to good to have a child that old."

I felt my face start getting red.

Ben snatched Candace up and smiled at her, "and what's your name?"

"Candace." She smiled.

"They have crushes on you two." Courtney told both of then.

Zoey glared at her. Same as Candace.

"Well do you? I might just let you both up on stage with me tonight then. I need some adorable ladies by my side." Danny said looking at Candace then Zoey.

"Fine by me." I smiled.

"Go ahead." Lizzy agreed.

"Sweet! I fucking want one!" Danny said hugging zoey up.

Zoey smiled and hugged Danny's neck.

I snapped a picture.

Ben started making faces at Candace and she did them back.

I got a picture of that too.

Durning the show, Lizzy and I had Zoey and Candace on our shoulders. Danny did as he said and borough them both in stage. It was soo cute!!

Once the show was over, we were allowed back stage.

"Enjoy the show?" Danny asked taking a drink of Jack.

I nodded my head with a smile.

He smiled, "good. You coming to the last show here?"

"Actually yes." I told him.

He looked at Zoey asleep on the couch with Courtney and Candace, "they coming that time?"

I shook my head no, "just me and my girls."

A smirk came across Danny's face, "good. Side stage?"

I smiled, "sure."

After an hour drive, we were finally home. We walked threw he kitchen door and Vincent was pasted out on the table.

"I'll get him." Brandy said shaking her head as she woke Vincent up.

I looked in the living room to fine JJ on the couch pasted out. Nick was on the floor.

Lizzy shook her head, "I'll lay Candace in Zoeys bed if that's okay?"

"Both can stay if you like. Nick can have the couch." I told her.

Lizzy smiled and walked into Zoeys room.

Courtney grabbed JJ and helped him into their room.

I shook my head and went into my room, to find it empty, but I note on my pillow.

I laid Zoey down on Alex's spot, then grabbed the note and started into the living room.

"What is it?" Courtney asked coming out of her room.

Brandy came back up from the basement threw my room and say on the coffee table.

"Alex is down at the Bar. He walked." I told them glaring.

"Wanna go check in him? It is 3 in the morning." Courtney suggested.

I nodded my head and the three of us started out the door.

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