5- You're undead to me

Start from the beginning

"Ivy, this car needs to be washed", Caroline said to me and kindly handed me a wet sponge.

She gave one to Tiki who made a snarky rude comment about someone's car. Bonnie and I stood next to each other and whispered "Bitch", at the same time and we both broke into laughter.

I started to wash the car but I got interupted by a whisper voice calling my name. I turned around to see that no one was calling me. I shrugged it off and walked inside the school after washing the car to get more sponges.

"Ivy", I heard someone whisper again but no one was there. I followed the sound to end up walking inside the Salvatore's boarding house.

"Hello?", I asked as it echoed. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I followed the voice again to end up in the basement and unlocking the hinge to a cellar door.

"Oh my gosh. Damon?", I asked with worry and empathy in my voice. I kneed down to see Damon look as if he's a child dying of the plague. He looked up to me giving me puppy dog eyes.

He ran out of the cellar and snapped someone's neck quicker than sound. Making me gasp loudly. What is he?

He looked at the dead body of a middle aged man and then looked up to me. I walked back slowly as he walked closer until I couldn't move back anymore. He looked me up and down before grabbing me and ran inhumanly into the living room.

Out of shock and fear I passed out and felt someone catch me before it all went black.

Next thing I know, I woke up on a super comfy couch and a healthier looking Damon stroke my hair and put his hand on my forehead testing my temperature.

"You... You were dying in a cellar... You ran upstairs like you were the wind.... H...how?", I asked stuttering a lot.

I sat up which made Damon stand up from a crouched position. "You haven't guessed by now? I'm a vampire", he said mockingly.

I laughed like he said something ridiculous. "You're kidding right?", I asked, still laughing, but then I started to think back to Caroline and her bite marks. My laughs died down and he stared at me as I realized he's telling the truth.

"Why did you help me? I deserved to suffer down there and you of all people would be happy to see it", Damon stated confused.

"You... You're a vampire?", I asked still in shock. "I helped you because watching people suffer makes me remember what it felt like to almost drown and be dying with your dead parents infront helplessly", I commented, looking down and almost letting a tear fall down my cheek.

He looked at me for a few seconds before I remembered once again what he just said. I jump up and ran towards the door but Damon was quick to get inbetween me and the door. I let out another gasp. Damon's hand reached out to the light shining on my shoulder but his hand burned and smocked a little.

"What's happening?", I asked him slightly worried about him too. He turned his gaze to me.

"I can't go in the light without my daylight ring or I'll burn.", He informed me. "Looks like we have a couple hours before I can leave so ask away your questions that you have stored in that little head of yours", he finished and I followed him to the couch and sat next to him.

We talked for a couple hours about what it's like and all the myths. He actually made me laugh a few times and that was the scariest thing that happened. Damon was actually funny. He told me everything about vampires and told me stories about the different decades. It was almost dark, I went into the kitchen for a glass of water and came back into the living room. I walked in as he ended a phone call and I stood at the door frame with a questionable look.

"I didn't notice before, but why are you wearing a bikini top?", He asked, making me look down to my almost bare chest and cover it up with my translucent cardy which didn't help. I blush and he gave me a lustful wink.

I rolled my eyes before answering. "Caroline made me wash cars for a sexy suds car wash for charity", I replied. I wasn't as scared as I was before since now I understood. He didn't tell me everything about his past but told me enough to pass a few history exams.

"Are you going to kill me?", I asked him and put down my glass of water.

He looked at me and slowly walked towards me. "No", he said.

"Why not? You were going to kill Caroline", I asked nervously.

He stroked the side of my cheek. "You remind me of Katherine. You're not selfish like her or compelling, you're more like the angelic form of her", he chuckled.

"Are you going to compel me to forget?", I questioned him.

He shook his head, "not unless you want me to", he said.

I shook my head quickly. "I want to remember this. I want to remember that you do still have humanity in you, even if you can't see it", I looked outside to see the darkness.

"It's night", I said stating the obvious.

"So it is", he agreed and stopped stroking my cheek. He walked to the window and I walked towards it too.

I sighed. "I won't tell anyone", I told him. He looked at me as if he's giving me his trust. He nodded his head and I walked out of the house towards my home.

I thought about what Damon told me and that we gave each other our trust. I didn't feel any feelings towards him but I did feel that we could be friends. Afterall, my heart still wants to be with Stefan.

I walked into my bedroom and traced my fingers over the heart shaped locket that Stefan gave me. Thinking about my feelings towards him and what he is. I put my sister's feelings before my own, but I realized that I always do that and she never does the same for me. She would do anything to protect me, but she never put my happiness before her own.

I sat back up and decided that I was going to tell Stefan exactly how I felt. I ran downstairs and drove to the boarding house again, still within the speed limit.

I walked up to the dark house and watched as Elena stood at the door with a scared look. "What are you?", I heard her shout.

I ran up to her with a questionable look as she saw me she grabbed my wrist and ran to my car. She sat in the driver's seat and droves back home silently and fearfully. I didn't want to ask or tell her that I already knew so I sat there quietly.

When we got in, we rushed into my bedroom and she shouted at me to stay away from Damon and Stefan with no reason why. She stormed off into her room and I got into my pyjamas, rolling my eyes at her dramatic storming out scene.

I heard Elena talking to Stefan through the walls and her telling him to leave and he did so. He then snuck into my room but I wasn't so startled.

"Do you know?", He asked me, scared of my answer.

I nodded to him. "I'm sorry, I let Damon out. I saw him in pain and I couldn't let myself just walk away", I said, about to break into tears.

He nodded at me worried about how I felt about the situation. "How do you feel?", He asked with concern.

"I'm fine with it. I mean, it's not the best lifestyle, but I'm not so scared of the truth as I was a couple hours ago", I told him.

He stayed silent but still showed me that he's listening. "Later this night, I came back to talk to you", I began to say nervously. "I was wrong to break up with you. I did it because I saw that Elena felt something towards you, but I should've realised that I felt something for you too", I said.

He was silent again but walked up to me slowly, backing me against the wall. He lifts my chin and kisses my lips.

"I missed you", he said as he looks in my eyes, making me smile.

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