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The shower is like heaven against my skin. I find myself moaning in pleasure multiple times during that half-hour-long shower. I quickly dry myself off and get dressed, tying my wet hair into a knot on the back of my head. Peter is sprawled out in the center of the bed in only his pants, and I really just want to pull him off the bed, so I do. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is even, so I take his wrist and drag him off the bed, then leap over his startled form and duck under the covers right in the middle of the bed. Peter stands slowly, looking dazed, leaning on the side of the bed.

"I guess I fell asleep?" he asks, getting in beside me. He wraps his limbs around me and puts his face in my neck. "Oh, well. Now we can snuggle."

"I just took a shower, Peter," I say, my exhaustion suddenly coming through. "I just got my skin cleaned. Don't get me dirty again."

I feel Peter's smile as he places small kisses on my skin. "You sound really tired," he muses. "Sleep, darling."

I let my heavy eye lids slip closed and burrow further into Peter's warmth. He rests his cheek against mine and sighs happily. "Are you still mad at me?"

I purse my lips. "Yes."

"Then why are we cuddled so close?"

"I'm cold," I say thoughtfully, "and wet. Don't worry, I'll continue to be mad later."

"So I'd better enjoy the moment, yeah?"


All goes silent as I slowly drift to sleep. My eye lids brighten in front of my eyes. I slowly open them, taking a moment to process my surroundings. The sun is bright, the sunset colorful. The grass beneath me is extremely soft. And someone's holding my hand. I turn my head to my left and my eyes meet beautiful green ones, finding them extremely close. Peter smiles and I smile back a little. Peter's hand comes up and strokes my cheek gently, sending shivers down my spine. I push his hand away. "Quit it," I order.

"Quit what?" he whispers, moving in closer so our foreheads touch. "Showing affection?" I nod. "What's wrong with that?"

I just shrug and close my eyes, moving onto my side to face him completely. "I just don't want to be affectionate right now."

Peter sighs and pulls me on top of him. I don't particularly feel like rejecting him, so I just let him do it. I lay my head against his chest and close my eyes, perfectly content. We stay there for a while before I realize that I have no idea where we are. I open my eyes and sit up, looking around.

"It's the pond," I say, confused. "Why are we here?" I ask Peter, looking down at him.

"How should I know?"  he asks. "This is your dream."

I stand up, making Peter whine. "This is very strange," I murmur, going to the edge of the cliff. "Very strange. I haven't seen this place in what feels like forever. I kind of miss it."

Peter's arms come around me and he begins to kiss my neck gently. "That's probably why we're here, then."

I shake my head, trying to clear it. "That's actually kinda cool." Peter smiles against my skin.

"Hey," he whispers after a long time of sunsets and kisses on the throat, "this is where I confessed my feelings." His breath tickles me.

I laugh. "Oh, yeah. It is." I laugh again.

"Can we have our romantic moment now?" he asks sweetly, and I turn my head to look at him. His eyes are near, literally glowing he's so happy. I can't fight away the smile that shows off my teeth.

But then it disappears. "No, Peter. We really need to talk."

Peter pouts. "Okay," he sighs, and we sit on the edge of the cliff, my right hand tangled in his left. Our kneecaps were touching ever so slightly. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Felix," I say automatically. "What he did today. Your... reaction." He looks away. "I know why you freaked out. You thought he would do what Picies did. But it was just a kiss. A mistake."

"You're defending him now?" he asks quietly.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I'm just saying. You were protecting me, and I get that, but you knew he wasn't going to do anything. He's your brother - he would never do anything like that and you know it. How you acted was just instinct. A gut feeling. I'm not angry - well, I'm not as angry as I probably should be. I understand where your anger is coming from." I hesitate for only a second. "But you have to understand, I can handle those kinds of situations. I can take care of myself. I'm not... glass, easily broken."

"I know you're not," he mumbles, still not looking at me. "I would never even think that you are."

I grip his chin gently, turning his head and making him look at me. "I know, Peter. I know how stressful this is for you. I want you to worry about yourself, not me. I'll be perfectly fine. What you need to focus on is these words: If you do this, you will lose something. If you don't, you'll lose something else. You have a choice to make. Lose one, or lose the other. You can't have both."

Peter closes his eyes as I drop my hand. He leans his head onto my shoulder. "I don't want to choose, Kase. I want you, with me, on Neverland. I know I can't have that. It hurts me, it really does, but I know that I don't have much of a choice. I don't want to decide, I don't want to choose." His arms come around my waist and hold me tightly. My arms go around his shoulders, my fingertips brushing the ends of his hair. Peter's whole body shudders and shakes and I feel moisture on my shirt. I hold him tighter and put my lips to his scalp, inhaling the scent of his light brown curls. I continue to hold him tightly as he sobs, letting him get all of his emotions out in whatever way necessary. His fingers grip my shirt like he can't get me close enough and I nearly begin to cry as well. Finally Peter's sobs begin to calm and are reduced to pathetic sniffles. We still hold each other tightly and I rub soothing circles into his back. After about ten minutes he stops crying all together, not releasing me or letting me stop trying to calm him.

"I love you, Kase," he whispers, his voice exhausted and broken. "I want you to be with me. But I don't think you quite understand how much I need Neverland. I... I miss it. More than I thought I could bear."

"I know, Peter, I know," I mumble soothingly, kissing his head again. "I understand -" My voice broke and tears filled my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I swallowed them down and put my chin on his head, closing my eyes. "I love you, too."

We sit for a long time before Peter draws the courage to look up and into my eyes. I give him a shy smile, looking away. His fingers come to my chin and tip my head back up so that I look at him. He kisses me softly, putting our foreheads together. I pull away, but not far enough to disconnect our foreheads. Our breaths mixed, making it harder for me to not kiss him. "Kase?" he whispers, breaking the silence. I hum in reply. "Can we have our romantic moment now?"

I can't help laughing rather loudly. "Yes, Peter," I say, still laughing. "Yes." He smiles a real, genuine smile that lights up his eyes and kisses me softly.

"I can feel you getting closer in your sleep," he whispers after a moment. I can't help smiling as he begins to kiss me again.

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated - getting the final chapters ready!! Once the fifth to last chapter comes around, I'll try to post one chapter every day. If I don't do that, I'm really sorry and I'll get it out as soon as I can!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sticking with me loves!! Byyeeee!!

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