Intro: C

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Chanyeol was nestled into his desk, walls of plans to be approved and contracts to be signed were stacked on top of his desk, the wood finish long lost underneath. The clock on the wall in front of him showed that he should have left work hours ago, but he was too busy trying to get ahead on work to be bothered by a measly measurement system by the name of time.

His back ached, eyes straining to finish reading the line he had been on, stomach in pain from being ignored for so long, but like he had done before, he continued to disregard it. It was a routine that he had been in for an uncountable amount of days—he had become immune to his body's pleads for rest. Ink scribbles across the page were a lame excuse for a signature and date, but on 30 minutes of sleep, it might as well have been carefully articulated calligraphy.

A knock on the door stopped his pen from hitting the next dotted line. "Mr. Park, sir, there's a call for you."

Chanyeol heaved an irritated sigh, not enjoying the aspect of being interrupted, even by his secretary, Yixing. "I told you to hold all of my calls," he replied, continuing on with reading over the sales report that sat in front of him.

"I tried to tell him that, sir, but he says it's very important and that you'd know him," Yixing said, looking down and stepping backward slightly, as if to hide behind the door.

"Did he leave a name?" Chanyeol asked, clearly wanting to get back to his work.

"Oh Sehun, I believe," the raven-haired secretary said, looking up once again.

The 25 year-old male sighed again out of annoyance, running his hand through his hair. "Put him through."

Yixing nodded, closing the door behind him as quiet as he could, ensuring that he wouldn't irritate his boss any more.

Within a minute of Yixing leaving, the phone on Chanyeol's desk rang, the light in the corner of the phone blinking. He took in a deep breath before grabbing the phone and putting it to his ear, grabbing his pen and looking back at the documents.


"Aye yo wassup. You free tonight?"

The CEO sighed for the umpteenth that night, his hand now massaging the bridge of his nose.

"You promised not to call me at work."

"And you promised not to overwork, and here we are, babe," Sehun almost purred into the phone, causing Chanyeol's eyes to involuntarily roll.

"Get to the point, Sehun. What do you want?"

"I want to get you out of that office and back out into the real world. What ever happened to the Chanyeol I knew and loved in college?" Sehun whined in an almost annoying tone.

"He died as soon as I got a real job," Chanyeol said curtly, wishing to shut his friend up.

His friend mimicked one of Chanyeol's ever so famous sighs, very much amused by his friend's attempt at shutting him up. "You're really no fun are you?"

"I don't have time for fun anymore. Work comes first," the CEO said, tone unchanging.

"Well I don't have time to wait around for you so come outside already," Sehun stated, clearly bored with where the conversation was turning.

"I'm sorry what?" the dark haired CEO questioned, processing what his best friend had just said.

The blonde friend huffed, fed up with his choice of company for the night. "God, Chanyeol, stop stalling and get your ass out here now, I'm in front of the building."

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