[chapter 6] Pick up line.

Start from the beginning

Sohye ignored him and got on with choosing the items she wanted to eat as she talked with Ga-in.

After she finished serving herself followed by Guanlin, Woojin, and Seonho,  someone came in front of her and took her tray.

It was Mingyu, and beside her were Wonwoo and Hansol.

"Yah, give me my food back," Sohye said sternly.

Mingyu only flashed her a teasing smile. "Go get yourself a new one. I'm taking yours cause I don't wanna wait in the line."

Sohye was about to say something back but Ga-in held her back and said in a low voice, "It's the Kennibal Princes and it's best to avoid them."

Sohye's POV

I sighed in frustration while Mingyu walked away. "Kennibal prince? Sure," I mumbled as I walked back to the line.

"You guys can go, I can come back myself," I told them as I picked a new tray.

"Didn't you already get lunch?" the Halmeoni who was serving asked me. "Ah nae, but I gave my lunch to a friend who was sick." I lied, shyly.

"Aigoo, to find a caring friend like you is very hard," the Halmeoni said as she gave me a smile. "Thank you," I said as I went to where my friends were sitting.

"Wow, you guys actually waited for me," I said in disbelief. "Of course, we can't let a friend eat behind," Ga-in said as she picked up her chopsticks.

The rest nodded in agreement. "Jal meokkeseubnida," we all chanted, and started to eat.


Author's POV

Skip the rest of the class period...

Sohye, Guanlin, Woojin and Ga-in went to the Basket ball court as it was the last period and their teacher had given them free time.

The boys of their class were playing, as well as Guanlin, while Woojin was with Sohye and Ga-in cheering.

Guanlin, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hansol and Minghao were in one team. The other team were Seokmin, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Joshua.

They started playing and Sohye, Woojin, Ga-in and the others observed them play. When each team scored they would clap and all but the particular three didn't.

Either they were too busy talking or were distracted by something and missed to watch.

(A\N if I explain the whole basketball moves it will make you guys confused so let's just ignore the part and skip)

The two basketball teams score were almost tied. it was 17 for Mingyu's team and 18 for Joshua's team.

"I'll end this," Guanlin said as he shooted from the three pointer boundary.


It went right in.  The students all cheered and yes, including the trio who finally managed to notice even while talking about genres of dance they can do.

After the match...

The final bell rang for the students to go home.

Sohye walked slowly and quietly, watching intently as the three Kennibal princes played and walked along the road.

Suddenly, Mingyu tripped and fell while fooling around.

He quickly got up and looked here and there, as if checking if anyone saw him fell.

But little did he know that someone did see him fall, and she was laughing like there was no tomorrow.

He quickly brushed the dustoff his pants, tied his shoelaces and went to where Wonwoo and Hansol were walking way in front.

Mingyu sighed in relief and continued joking with his friends as if nothing had happened.

After Sohye reached home, she changed to her comfy cloths and folded her uniform, then did her normal routine.

While Mingyu on the other hand, took off his socks, pants, blazer and tie in such a hazardous way. He didn't even care, his maid would clean it up for him.


Sohye sat on her bed and started searching for someone particular on her phone. She started to type.

Did it hurt when you fell?

Mingyu 'a eyes widened as he read the message and tried to comprehend.

Is she trying to hit on me, or... Is she trying a pickup line on me?

Maybe she's trying a pick up line prank. Tsk.

He then replied.

When I fell from heaven?

No I'm serious.
Did it hurt when you fell earlier after school?

Oh you saw that.
And... Yes it did hurt, a lot.

Stop the exaggeration, it won't hurt that much.

Thank you for your concern.

Sohye scoffed, left him on seen and plugged in her phone to charge. She then left the room to go for dinner.


Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't have an fixed chacter.

So let's me explain all these seventeen members will be introduced in the upcoming chapters as well as IOI members not all cause my brain is not keeping count.

And this chapter is not edited. Cause I just wrote everything that came into my mind.

And if you want it to be edited you have to wait for editornim.




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