The popular girl-Stephpanda

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Looking at him from across the cafeteria my heart just stops. He bites his lower lip slightly as he reads the following words off of his new book, adjusting his hair from time to time. How can someone you've spent all of high school trying to forget still be the one to hold your heart?..Stop staring!I look away and my eyes focus on something else... He's still the one I love. After all this time. I can't change that.. But he hates you. I wince at the thoughts coursing through me. You don't know that for sure.. Oh who am I kidding? Of course he hates me. If I was him I'd hate me too. A frown makes its way onto my face. Maybe just one more peek.. I glance back at him only to see his blue eyes no longer on the pages of his book but on me. We lock eyes and everything else disappears for a moment. My brown ones widen in shock. Shit! I try to look away but my eyes stay focused on him, and only him. ..Then something amazing happens.. He smiles.

My opinion: I FREAKING LOVE THIS BOOK.This book is actually based on lily collins and logan lerman from the movie "stuck in love" ,if u haven't watched the movie i 100 percent recommend u do! But if u don't want to ,its okay because the storyline of this book has nothing to do with the movie so u don't have to watch it to understand whats going on in this book.Anyways,this book is about a popular girl named Elizabeth and she has crush on a nerd named Aiden.And basically I'm in love with their relationship because it gives MAJORRR FEELSSS!!!Usually the books i read are the popular boys fall in love with the nerdy girls but this book is the opposite and thats why it caught my attention.This book is amazing and u definitely have to read it.


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