Chapter 9: Backstory Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay, Fukikiyu?" I said as i went over to help him up

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"Are you okay, Fukikiyu?" I said as i went over to help him up.

"Yes.. I'm used to it don't worry." he said somewhat saddened.

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know two days at the most.."

"Then why are you used to it if you just got here? Sorry if I'm intruding.."

"Nah it's ok. My family always used to abuse me.."

"I'm sorry, Fukikiyu.. It must have been horrible.."

"Heh.. Yeah, but its ok..I'm just a burden anyways.."

"WHAT?! NO YOU'RE NOT. I haven't know you for long but i know you're not a burden to anyone." I stepped closer to him. "You're the nicest guy I've ever met. Don't EVER say you're a burden to anyone."

He looked shocked.

"Ah.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have outburst like that. I'm (Y/n) by the way.."I said blushing slightly.

"No it's ok.. It's just.. Nobody has ever said that to me before.." he smiled.

~1 year time skip~

We are both now fourteen.. I'm not sure what day it is but our guard will at least tell us what month is it. During this time they have injected the animal DNA that will make our wings grow.. The whole reason we are staying 3 years is to see if we sprout it. When that period of time is over they will inject us again.. Unless we're dead.. We due to everything they injected in us we have a faster healing rate than normal humans. We can barely feel physical pain anymore.. Fukikiyu and I have also grown stronger as friends. We're only feed a certain amount of times during the week this was so we wouldn't have enough strength to fight back and leave. However, a day before every surgery we get fed us enough so we don't pass out or die during that time. I've been planning an escape with Fukikiyu. The plan is IF we grow our wings we'll be able to escape.

~Another 1 year time ship~

We've been here 2 years.. Any normal person would have gone insane. Heck! Anyone else would have if they went through what we did. I was reaching the time we would make our escape. Fukikiyu already got his wings so they started doing more experiments on him.. So I don't see him much anymore. Sometimes he brings back papers he snatched from the scientist. My back has been hurting alot lately. Fukikiyu said it's because my wings are about to sprout. He said something called Mastema would be the key word for my wings to get stronger. He said they also were making weapons that had elemental powers. "Kikiyu?"

"Yes (y/n)?"

"Will you stay with me after we get out of here?"

He looked shocked at first but then came closer and hugged me. "Of course (y/n). I'll stay with you until the end. Don't ever forget me ok?"

"Of course I won't forget you Kikiyu..Ugh!"

"(Y/n)! What's wrong!?" Fukikiyu quickly let go of me and turned me around. It was finally happening. Wings were coming out my back and it hurt like hell. "(Y/n)! It's your wings! Try saying Mastema, it might help."

"M-mastema!" A blinding light filled the room and when it died down I knew it was done.. I had my wings (Picture above)

"(Y-Y/n) They're beautiful...Change of plans we need to get out of here asap! Rest up because tomorrow when they come to get us for our daily check up we're leaving."

"Good.. Can I sleep now please? Everything hurts.." I slightly smiled. We were finally gonna get out of there.


~Fukikiyu's POV~

This is weird her wings are huge and she had horns.. The weird thing is no guards came in the room. NONE. This won't end well.. I-I need to protect her. I looked down at the sleeping (y/n) in my arms. I'll definitely protect her. Placing her in the bed I got to work for our departure tomorrow.


WAZZUP MA KAWAII POTATOES~! I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS CHAPTER FOR THE LONGEST~ Seriously.. .-. This took way too long.. I sorri~~ Forgive me~? The next backstory I publish will be the final one hopefully and I'll start back on the main story.. Technically this IS the main story just in the past.. By this time (y/n) is 15 and Ciel is 11? 12? I'll say 12. It might be easier.. idk -3- This is the longest chapter I've written so far. I NEED more people taking that poll guys~! That's how Fukikiyu came to be. No demon butler? Seriously? That's fine. Everything I would've done with the butler I'll do with Fukikiyu but better ;D Now don't go back and change your answer. That's bad. -_- Seriously don't. Okie~ That's about it.. Bai~~
Words: 1,463

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