Start from the beginning

I expected one of the mystery men to come and inspect, but was almost relieved when I saw Vincent walk in.

"What happened?"

"I jammed my toe." A small smile makes its way onto his face and starts chuckling softly.

"It's not funny!"

"It's pretty funny." I narrow my eyes at him, but keep my mouth shut.

"Vincent, are you coming?" A man who looks to be about Vincent's age says. He has red hair, cut short on his head and red facial hair. He was quite a few inches shorter, but had a stockier build. The man was intimidating, not surprisingly. He seemed strong and very sure of himself, just like Vincent.

He followed Vincent's gaze to me and smirked. Which didn't go unnoticed by Vincent.

"Stop staring at her." His eyes were narrowed and his voice was low and threatening. The man backed away and put his hands up in mock surrender.

He brought his gaze back to me before slightly shaking his head.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes." He started walking off, I assume to go commerce with his friends. But I stopped him. If I was going to be staying with him the rest of my life, I wanted to be included in things. I didn't want everything to be a secret.

"I want to come."

"No, you don't." I narrow my eyes and tighten my grip around his arm, but he doesn't flinch.

"Let go of me, Leah." His voice sounded dangerous. I could tell I was pushing my limits, but frankly, I didn't care.

"No. You're the one who makes all the rules and tells me what to do. If I'm going to be staying with you, then I want to be a part of stuff. I don't want to be kept in the dark."

It was true. Every single word I said was true. I won't allow this to be one sided.

He suddenly grabs my arms and pushes me up against the kitchen door, caging me in.

"You want to be a part of stuff now, huh? Well let me tell you something, those men out there, are dangerous. They will rip you to shreds if you cross them, and they will not show you mercy because you're a girl. They'll belittle you, and make you feel worthless. You're not getting involved."

I was speechless. His words were, shocking. He's never opened up that much about anything. It almost made me feel like he genuinely cares for me.

"If they're so dangerous, then why are they in your house?" I knew it was a dumb question even before I said it. And the look on his face confirmed just that.

"Leah, do you even know what I do? Do you know why I have so much money? Do you know why people are so afraid of me?"

I don't know. I guess I never really thought about it. I knew he was dangerous, but I didn't know to what extent. I never asked my parents, and it's not like they would've told me anyway.

"N-No." I silently curse myself for stuttering.

"I'm a mafia leader, Leah. I'm dangerous. I kill people. I ruin lives. I do everything a nice person wouldn't do. And those people out there," He points toward the door. "Are just like me. So I need you to be careful."

I was shocked at first. I don't know what to think. I know I should feel scared, threatened. But I didn't. I felt angry. How dare he bring me into this? How could one person be so selfish? I'm going to have to live with this burden the rest of my life.

I wanted to yell and scream at him, but I held it in. The only sign of anger I let show was the clenching of my fists.

"I hate you." I quickly turn on my heel and walk out of the kitchen. Ignoring his yells for me to stop.

I slam the bedroom door unnecessarily hard behind me and slump onto the bed.

I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to be brought into his life. The life of a criminal. I knew he was dangerous, but I didn't know he was that dangerous.

"Open the Goddamn door, Leah."

"Or what? Are you gonna punish me?" Sarcasm was dripping from my words and I could hear his angry chuckle through the door.

"Oh, you have no idea."


"Open the door."


"Fine." A loud thump rang through the room and the door fell open, barely hanging onto its hinges.

"That was a little uncalled for."

"You better watch your mouth. I don't tolerate sass lightly." He jaw was clenched and his eyes were darker than I've ever seen them before.

"Aw, is the poor mafia leader angry at me?" I laugh as I mock him. I'm not sure where this sudden burst of confidence has come from, but I'm loving it.

But as soon as my confidence came, it was gone as soon as I was once again pushed up against the wall.

"Yes, he's very angry. And he won't be sorry if he has to punish you."

I scoff at him.

"Sure, whatever. It's not like you'll actually-," Before I could finish my comeback, he placed his warm lips on mine and swallowed any other words or thoughts I had.



Okay, so I haven't updated in a while (sorry😐) but this chapter is a little longer than usual. But anyway, hope you enjoyed👍

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