i want to gather all the beautiful words

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i want to gather all of the beautiful words
and phrases for you and only you
like how people say "that's wonderful," how people pronounce words like indigo and wistful and spectacular and cheerful and slumber.
i want to bring you all of the beautiful things of life, like how people hum harmonies lovely into your temples, within their own sacred, how their voices are raised in joy, souls as one, how your own voice can be warm and inviting, if only you could hear it and feel your own calm.
i want to give you all of the beautiful experiences and watch as you glow in the midst of such wonder, like how you smile when they are around or when you're surrounded by your favourite things, how beautiful you look in the middle of it all.
i want to give you all of the beautiful words until there are none left to give so you can surround yourself in beautiful spiraling castles and winding staircases all filled up with beautiful beautiful words, i want to witness that moment where you are truly the sovereign of your own land of beautiful language, i want to listen to you speak these beautiful words and let them ring out clear, bells crinkling at midday, but none of these beautiful things are quite like you.

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