an epidemic named mass hysteria

173 21 11

stand in the light, where everyone is blinded of darkness reigns and raincoats of wool.

scream in the void along with everyone else;
laugh in the breeze we call normal, wait for the paranoia to kick in.

i want you to touch me, the non-corporeal me, touch my heart past my chest, make me understand everything, understand you.

give me a reason to jump for it, to reach for the branch and climb up, join you in your quest to shake off the past.

you are not alone, you scream, tears running down your face that neither you nor i can see; you are engulfed in shadows and doubt and worry and we are broken.

shout for the boys and girls and those who give themselves the names of others, those whom you love and hate and taste the freedom with.

we are nothing but empty space, you will never touch me in any way for the atoms between us cushion our falls as autumn turns again.

and i swear, when the alarm sounds, i'll run along without you.


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