That day, she didn't want to. She just sat on a chair, in her bathing suit, watching us play. Not once did she even go in the pool! It was strange.

At the end of the day her mom found red markings on her back and they took her to the doctors the next day. That was when we all found out.

The weeks pass by and all she had been doing was throwing up alot and sleeping most of the time. On her birthday she stayed in bed. We couldn't see her because my mommy said so. That it's best to give the family "some time".

So her birthday wasn't very good. She missed her first day of first grade, too. It sucks because I remember in June, for her last day of Kindergarten, her parents got her a High School Musical backpack. She was so excited about it. Ever since that movie came out, that's all she likes to watch. She got shirts of them on it, socks, sandals. Anyways, it must've been hard for Elyssa because she couldn't use her backpack for the first day of first grade.

On September 13, we finally got to see her. I had to remember that day.

It was the day I promised to not to hate her anymore.

While our parents talked in the livingroom, I was allowed to go to her room. When I walked in, her features were the first thing I had noticed of her. She didn't have much hair anymore. The minute I had walked in, she was wiping her nose. Our eyes locked and she quickly put the tissue away. I saw her nostrils red. Blood.

"Hi." My voice was barely audible. I took one step and saw her confusion expression. "How... How you been?"

She didn't respond. She just watched me, curiously.

"Can I come in?" I stayed where I took my first step.

She slightly nodded and watched me as I walked over to her side. My eyes scanned her face. Her skin his pale, lips chapped, nostrils red.

Blood began to drip down again and she grabbed another tissue. I watched in awe as she began to blow her nose and red marks began to be visible on the white tissue.

"Can you stop staring?" She said, muffled, from behind the tissue.

"Sorry." I turn my head and look at a poster of Zac Efron. He is posed to look like he singing. I don't get why Elyssa thinks he's perfect.

"So are you...dying?" I managed to say, afraid it was going to get her mad.

It doesn't.

"I don't know." She shrugged and my palms began to sweat. I don't know why.

"My mommy said that only God knows what's gonna happen." She sighed and coughed roughly. I grabbed the glass of water for her when she struggled to reach it.

"I guess that's the scary part."

Her head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Of living." I explained.

"I guess." She passed the glass back. She then grabbed a tablet that was beside her and played no other than Highschool Musical.

"So I have to stop for now on?" I asked once placing the glass back.

She frowned, still watching the movie. "Stop what?"

"Stop hating you."

"No." She stopped the movie and looked at me as if something was on my face. "Why would you?"

"Well because you are really sick and it wouldn't be very nice to be mean to you while your sick."

She gave a small smile. "We've always been mean to eachother no matter what."

"But this is different." I shook my head and noticed blood dripping down again.

Elyssa felt it and grabbed the tissue again. I wonder if that hurts, blood dripping from your nose alot. Is that part of the leukemia?

"I promise not to hate you anymore. " I oathed and raised my hands to show her that I'm not crossing my fingers.

"What if your toes are crossing?" She chuckled.

I sighed and took off my shoes, then my socks. Now both my hands and feet were in her face to prove a point.

"I, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, promise not to hate Elyssa Ramirez until her cancer goes away."

I look at her for an answer. All she does is shrug and say "Okay".


comment what you think and please vote! :)


I have not slept at all and I'm not even sleepy

sing ;  shawn mendesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें