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Four months had gone by, since Peyton came home

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Four months had gone by, since Peyton came home. . . Since I went back to work with my dad and brother.

Peyton is finally doing better, bruises are gone and cuts have
healed, with very little scaring.

We're still doing okay, better then when she first got out of the hospital. I still haven't told her I loved her yet, it just didn't feel like the right time.

"Theo!" Mateo yells throughout my apartment. I growl and sip some more of my beer. Mateo walks right into my living room and plops down next to me.

"This is how you're spending your day off? I half expected Peyton to be up here and you two doing the nasty or something." I scoff.

"Not that it is any of your business - but we haven't 'done the nasty' since she left on her little 'get away'." Mateos' mouth drops open. Then he slaps his hand on the couch cushion and leans towards me.

"No way. You've gone four months without having sex?" I nod as he basically yelled that throughout my apartment.

"Want to know what you need? A date night. Take her out, do something romantic, make her laugh, bring her home and give it to her!" He yells out the last part. I glare at him.

"Does that work with Camryn?" I ask him. His eyes narrow into something you'd think was 'seductive' and then he places a lazy smirk on his face.

"I don't need to take her out to give it to her, brother. She hands that shit out to me," I roll my eyes.

"You're gunna knock her up. . . I swear." He makes a 'pfft' sound and leans back on the couch.

"She probably already is, she's always grumpy to me, and her moods are always like all over the place," I chuckle and shake my head.

"Dad would frown upon you knocking her up before tying her down. You know he's old school." I stand up and put m empty beer bottle in the bottle bin.

"I know, but we're not talking about me we're talking about-" he gets cut off by my phone ringing on the coffee table. "Peyton is call!" He shouts. I walk out of the kitchen to answer but he snatches my phone off the table and answered it for me. I glare at him.

"Hey Peyton! What's up girl?" He says in an annoying voice.

"Oh you want to go out tonight? I mean, sure but I have to check my schedule." I steal the phone from him and place it up to my ear. I listen to Peyton's beautiful infectious laugh for a minute before she stops.

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