"Find that movie. I want to watch it," Seth instructed and got out from his chair, heading towards his bedroom. Mr Jameson bowed down. "Yes, Sire," he accepted his order but was feeling weird with his request. 


            Rose stormed into the garden. She wiped her tears, and couldn't believe that she had just cried in front of him. He didn't deserve it. She fell onto the bench and sighed. Seth was a useless jerk and heartless. Why was she so unfortunate to marry such a jerk? If only she could turn back time, she wouldn’t agree on this. Maybe her life would have be better, even though she would have had to sleep in the shop. Suddenly, she missed her family. Both her parents, and annoying brothers. It had been 3 weeks without any call or meet.

          She pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialled their house number. A minute later, someone picked up the phone. "Hello," her father answered. "Dad, its me, Rose," she chirped happily as she finally heard his voice. "ROSE!!" Tom squealed and then she heard voices through the phone. "Rose!!! Buy me a camera!" Jace was shouting. "No, Rose! I want a present too!" Ethan interfered. 

        Rose laughed and a tear dropped from her eyes. She missed home. "Hey guys, I miss you," she murmured. She was so happy to hear their voices. "Miss us? Don't make me puke, Rose," Jace sneered. Rose frowned. So, nothing changed, huh? "I miss you too, so buy me a present!" Ethan shouted. She shook her head. "Give the phone to mom and dad," she demanded. "Fine," Jace shrugged and handed the phone to his father.

         "Princess!!! How are you? You're doing good? Did you eat well? Of course, you did. How's Prince Seth? Both of you doing fine?" Tom said swiftly. Rose chuckled. "I'm fine, daddy. I'm just missing home. How are you?" She cried. "We're doing fine! All the debts were paid and we'll have our house forever!" He informed. "How's your husband?"

         Rose was silent for a second. She couldn't tell him that they just had a big fight. "He's fine. Like always," she lied. There was nothing fine since she moved into the castle. "Good. Take care of yourself and be good. Remember to behave and make us proud!" He advised. "We love you!" He screamed. "I love you too, dad," Rose said. "I gotta go now. Bye, dad, and say hi to mom."

          "Okay. I love you too," he said and tried to hide his disappointment, as he couldn't talk to her for longer. Rose turned off her phone and looked down. She wanted to go home so badly. She was homesick. It was so unfair that Seth got to meet his family everyday while she couldn't. She would do anything to go home. 

          After she was calmer, Rose walked back to her building, with hope that Seth would be in his room. The last thing she wanted to see was his hideous face. But, Seth was already waiting for her, lying on the sofa. She sighed and frowned as she saw him on the couch. She ignored him and crawled into her bedroom. "Hey, Liana," Seth called. Rose turned herself towards him. 

           "Liana? The girl who married for money in Braveheart?" Seth explained. So, he watched the movie. Rose never thought that he would actually do that. Seth got up to his feet and motioned towards her. "You're right. Cameron does have a heart," he said, referring to a character in the movie. Rose gazed into his eyes. "Why'd you watch that movie?" She asked curiously.

        "Well, that movie did teach me something," he said truthfully. Rose frowned. "Like what? You have to be extra careful with me because I might have stolen something from you? And the fact that I'm selfish and heartless and I'm a money grubber?" She said, sarcasm hitting every word.

      "Stop," Seth stopped her and lifted his hand. He drew a deep breath. "I know I was wrong and I'm sorry," he said honestly. This was the first time that he had ever asked someone for forgiveness. All this time, everyone treated him like he never did anything wrong. Rose looked down. "You're mean," she let out. 

       "I know," Seth muttered, almost inaudible. Hot tears rolled down Rose's cheeks. She started to hit his chest repeatedly. She wanted to hate him but she just couldn't. Seth stopped her and held her hands to his chest. "I'll do anything to make it up to you," he said, gazing into her brown eyes. Rose pulled her hands out of his. "I want to see my parents," she requested.

        Seth sighed. "Fine. I'll think of something," he agreed. Rose smiled and was happy that he had agreed to it. Seth couldn't help but smile. "But, you have to finish your studies first or Madam Hartford won't agree. You have to help yourself," he told her. Rose nodded and grinned. 


P.S This is a simple chapter. But please go up there, yes, the vote button, click it :) Will you? Then, scroll down and see that cute comment box? Yes, write how do you feel about the story and click the post button. 

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