Chapter 22--Trust

Start from the beginning

A bucket of water with a small, white towel draped over it appeared next to us.

My friend started to jump up. "Holy--"

I clapped a hand over his mouth. "Don't freak out! There are creatures here that will sense our panic and try to kill us."

His eyes widened to the size of plates. 

I loosened my grip. "Promise you won't scream?"


I let go and grabbed the towel next to the bucket. The water felt cool and clean against my hands--against the scratches and bruises of fighting and running. 

As soon as the towel touched the back of Vadik's head, he visibly relaxed. With a sigh, he mumbled: "Next time you want to tell someone to calm down, saying there are monsters out there ready to kill isn't the best idea. Neither is randomly making objects appear."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll remember that for next time I have to run through the forest filled with magical monsters with someone."

A grin flickered across his face. "I'm happy you're alive."

"So am I."

His arm latched out and hit mine. "Come on, be serious for a second."

"You really did hit your head hard. I'm Zara, not Serious."


In my crazy laughter, the water from the cloth dripped so much onto Vadik's head he looked as if he had just walked through a rainstorm. 

He copied me, but his was more tight and maniacal. "It's good to see you again. Especially after... last time."

'Last time' when he turned me into Regol. 'Last time' when I was sent to kill Kvir. 

"Let's forget about last time, okay?" My voice softened. "You have your duties and I had to obey."

He looked away. "It's still wrong. I lied, I betrayed your trust--" 

"Vadik." I put the towel in the bucket. Red from it started to leak out and stain the otherwise-clean water a shade of pink. "It's okay. I trust you--and I will trust you until I am absolutely sure I can't anymore. You've kept my brother, and father, alive. Without me being here, they would be gone."


My hands found his face, where the cupped around him. "You are--and will forever be--my friend. Nothing can change that."

The smallest flicker of a smile went across his lips. "Come back with me," he whispered. "Come back to Edria. Your brother misses you. I--" His voice was no more than a breath. "You have no idea how much I need a friend. Please."

I said nothing. 

A howl came breaking through the trees. I tensed, but Vadik continued. "With your magic, you could stop my father." 

I wanted to. I wanted to so much. To get out of the castle with crazy magic and monsters--it would be so easy. I was already free. All it took was for me to walk away. 

But, if I walked away, it meant I'd have to kill the king. 

I was done killing. 

Vadik saw my decision before I even had to speak. 


Suddenly, I was cold. It was a chill that went down to my bones, to my heart. "If I do what you want me to do to your father, yes, Joshua would be free, but the enemies I'd make would be enough to kill all of us."

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